Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1619: Your wife was my girlfriend

"What did you look like when you saw Ling Qianyu, do you still use me to remind you?" Chen Jingyao asked with a sneer while squinting at Gu Xiaoxiao.

"No need to……"

Gu Xiaoxiao bowed her head with a guilty conscience and curled her lips.

"It's good if you don't need to, compare yourself and learn from others. Don't blame me for not reminding you, this woman will do bad things."

"What do you say?"

"It's just what it means. It's always good to guard against the first defense. Maybe you'll be stabbed in the back anytime, and then you won't have time to cry."

Chen Jingyao's words are not joking, "I will be here in the last few months, and I will leave after the New Year. I have time to call Xiao Xi and get together."

"Okay!" Gu Xiaoxiao nodded happily, and they did not see each other for some days.

Time just passed by little by little, and it was time to leave without knowing it.

Chu Yichen had a social party, found Gu Xiaoxiao and took them away. When Gu Xiaoxiao was alone with Chen Jingyao, she did not see Long Qi approaching him, so after leaving, she felt that she would never meet again. Unexpectedly, the man was already waiting in the parking lot.

He was sitting on the hood, smoking a cigarette with his head down. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his head slightly and looked over, still falling directly on Gu Xiaoxiao's body.

He is waiting for them. In other words, I was waiting for her.

His car was parked next to Chu Yichen, so he couldn't avoid it. What's more, Chu Yichen didn't even think about hiding.

"Something?" Compared with the banquet hall, it is very quiet here. There are not so many people obtrusive, so Chu Yichen naturally doesn't have to put on a hypocritical face.

"It's okay, I just want to see her."

Ryugasaki Takumi's answer made Gu Xiaoxiao's heart suddenly lifted.

He is stupid! ? That would annoy Chu Yichen!

"Heh." Chu Yichen sneered, staring at him sharply. "Do you want to see my wife?"

"What's wrong with this?" Ryugasaki Takumi's voice smiled. "When she didn't remember you, she was still my girlfriend."

The two stood and sat, and smiled angrily. If it is said that Chu Yichen had been holding back the anger before, holding back the anger that wanted to hit him. Then his words, without a doubt, gave Chu Yichen a reason to release.


Gu Xiaoxiao exclaimed, but she didn't expect Chu Yichen to actually do it.

Ryugasaki Takumi is not a vegetarian, what are they trying to do! ?

Fu Ziheng and Chen Jingyao hadn't gone far. Seeing that things had turned into this, they walked over by appointment. One was directed at Chu Yichen, the other ran towards Gu Xiaoxiao.

Chen Jingyao originally wanted to protect Gu Xiaoxiao behind her. Those who were pregnant were all ancestors, so there should be no mistakes.

But no one thought that Gu Xiaoxiao, who had always felt soft and weak, was running faster than anyone at this time.

No one reacted, Gu Xiaoxiao was already in front of Chu Yichen.

She just guarded Chu Yichen naked/naked/naked, and if Ryugasaki Takumi’s fist went one centimeter forward, it would hit her.

Shengsheng stopped his movements, Ryugasaki Takumi gritted his teeth and looked at her.

Gu Xiaoxiao also looked at him, if she could, she hoped that he would get it down with this punch.

"Get out." Ryugasaki Takumi gritted his teeth and said.

"No." Gu Xiaoxiao's tone was firmer.

She didn't know what was wrong with Ryugasaki Takumi recently, if it had been before, he would never have done this.

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