Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1624: Go to Guangzhou with Chu Yixuan

"A mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless one male and one female, have you always heard this?"

Looking at Gu Xiaoxiao seriously, Chu Xiaoxi felt that he was rough and not rough.

"Sooner or later, there will be disputes. Let them fight. Just see which one is more powerful."

Chu Xiaoxi thought about it because he was too confident in Chu Yichen. She always thought that Chu Yichen would not do things that are uncertain, he has always been like this since childhood.

"You said Chen Jingyao is back? Then let's go find her in the afternoon, take youran by the way, and introduce her."

Chu Xiaoxi changed the subject and didn't want to watch Gu Xiaoxiao's face all the time.

"Big brother didn't come back last night, and You Ran seems to be in a bad mood."

"Well, okay, then you can call her and ask." Gu Xiaoxiao nodded, and only after Chu Xiaoxi finished contacting did she cheer up.

Chen Jingyao came directly to the old house and brought gifts to Shen Qianyun and others. After some greetings, a few young people gathered in a room.

Chen Jingyao looked at Li Youran and listened to Gu Xiaoxiao's introduction of her identity, her eyes widened in surprise.

Is Chu Yixuan really married?

She was still skeptical when she heard Fu Ziheng talk about this before.

"Sorry, it's impolite." Chen Jingyao also knew that her reaction was wrong, so she smiled and said, "It's really because I didn't expect it. I always feel that Big Brother should be the last to get married."

Han Yi and Xu Ming haven't moved yet, and even Chu Yixuan now has a wife. The life of the two of them will definitely be more difficult.

Gu Xiaoxiao did not specifically introduce Li Youran's identity. Everyone who should know will definitely know in the future. Li Youran is also unwilling to mention Jiang Sheng's name everywhere.

Li Youran hadn't seen Chu Yixuan since that incident happened that night and after taking the contraceptive pill. He said he was busy and had no time to come back, and she had nothing to say. After all, she was an idler and couldn't understand it.

But Li Youran is not stupid. How could she not think that Chu Yixuan avoided herself deliberately?

Li Youran has no regrets after the relationship happened. They got married, she liked him again, and she was ready for it. But Chu Yixuan avoided seeing her like this, and she was still lost in her heart.

Li Youran spent time with Gu Xiaoxiao every day, and after three consecutive days, she finally saw Chu Yixuan again. And this time, he came to take her away.

"Go to Guangzhou?" Chu Yixuan's words made Li Youran involuntarily stunned. "me and you togather?"

"Well, leave at ten o'clock in the evening, clean up, we will go to the airport after dinner."

Chu Yixuan nodded, said nothing, and turned to leave the room. Li Youran blinked, confirming that he was not a hallucination, and a sense of joy came out spontaneously.

We can finally go to Guangzhou with him! awesome!

Finding the suitcase quickly and packing up her belongings, Li Youran's eyes are full of smiles.

After having dinner at home, I followed Chu Yixuan to the airport. Li Youran understands her own position as a small attendant.

Chu Yixuan frowned as she watched her holding the luggage of both of them alone, and didn't want to give it to herself.

She thinks that he brought her here just to let her carry things and do miscellaneous things?

Chu Yixuan's eyes were not salty, and Li Youran looked a little panicked. Without paying attention, the things in his hands reached him.

"I will go there for about two months. I forgot to bring something, so I can go there and buy it again."

[Reader group 158798368, the 11th will issue book currency red envelopes. 】

[Author's Weibo: Yunqi Mo Ziyou. Welcome everyone to pay attention~】

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