Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1627: Good wife is hard to do

Li Youran was taken aback, and his eyes swept under him uncontrollably. Then he took a breath, took a quick step back, and closed the door with a slam.

Within a dozen seconds before and after, calm again inside and outside the house.

Chu Yixuan frowned and continued to put on clothes. Li Youran thought about the door outside, and then wanted to go in before realizing that Chu Yixuan had locked the door.

There are only two of them in this room, and he even locked the door... What is he afraid of! ! !

Li Youran went back to her room dejectedly, regretting it.

Is she stupid? Great opportunity, why not throw him down? What is she running?

Good now, people are on guard. The doors are locked and there is no window. How can she get in?

Lying on the bed, Li Youran thought about Chu Yixuan, and went to sleep in a daze. When he woke up the next day, he was already gone.

There is food in the refrigerator, and it is quite complete. Li Youran filled up her belly casually and cleaned the house. I found that the clothes that Chu Yixuan changed yesterday had also been washed by the way.

Being boring alone, she started reading after watching TV for a while. From this look, most of the day has passed.

Chu Yixuan said that he didn't know when he would be back. So whether he can accompany himself to dinner is not sure.

Li Youran actually wanted to cook a table of dishes and waited for him to come back. Even if he was not hungry or didn't want to eat it, or had eaten it outside, it was a good thing to reflect the essence of his good wife and mother. However, she really doesn't know how to cook, she can only cook fried rice with eggs and instant noodles, and she can't make it.

With her hands supporting her cheeks, Li Youran thought for a long time before figuring out a way.

She can't do it, but she will buy it!

I searched the Internet for nearby delivery sites, Li Youran smiled and ordered some meals. She knew that even if Chu Yixuan came back, it would not be too early. She is not afraid that the food is cold, anyway, it can be hot again.

In less than an hour, the food was delivered one after another. It was five o'clock in the evening.

Li Youran put them all on the plate and threw the takeaway box downstairs. Looking at the craftsmanship he put on the plate with a smile, he waited for Chu Yixuan to return.

She only ate a piece of bread in the morning and drank a glass of milk. She didn't eat for a whole day. Seeing these foods, she was really hungry.

Sitting on the chair and swallowing, I waited until eight o'clock.

When Chu Yixuan came back, she was already asleep on the table. Hearing the sound of the door, he sat up abruptly, and there were hair marks on his face.

Seeing her sleepy and dim look, Chu Yixuan's heart moved when he looked at the food on the table that was already cold.

"You are back! Do you want to eat?" Li Youran looked at him and asked expectantly.

Chu Yixuan has eaten it, but...

He nodded hesitantly, his behavior made Li Youran happy again. Go to the kitchen to heat up the food, and then call Chu Yixuan to come.

She bit her chopsticks and watched Chu Yixuan eat. After he looked over, she whispered, "Is it delicious?"

"You did it?"

"...I'm hot."

Li Youran closed his eyes, and forgot all the lines he had originally thought. His sharp eyes that seemed to see everything made her not brave enough to tell this lie.

Chu Yixuan jokingly said the name of the restaurant where Li Youran had ordered.

"They made it, right?"

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