Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1633: No longer please him

Shen Linsheng was taken aback for a moment, "Really?"

"Really. I bought this painting because I wanted to give it to her."

Li Youran's eyes fell on the painting again, she said quietly.

"The person in this painting was when her daughter was young. However, her daughter unfortunately passed away many years ago because of an accident. Her granddaughter and I are very good friends. By chance, I saw this painting. I really want to buy it."

Shen Linsheng was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Let me think about it. If it's convenient, leave a phone call. This is my business card. You can also contact me."

"Well, I'll call you in three days." Li Youran accepted his business card and left the gallery in a complicated mood.

If Shen Linsheng does not agree, what else can she do?

No, she must get the painting and take it back to Xiaoxiao and grandma!

Li Youran made up his mind and went home after buying some things. When Chu Yixuan came back, she was sitting in the living room painting. The focus looks like that.

"Have you taken medicine?" Chu Yixuan asked casually.

"Eat." Li Youran replied without looking up, thinking that he didn't know anyway, and he didn't have a problem with what he said. Unexpectedly, Chu Yixuan only glanced at the medicine on the table and knew she was lying.

The amount of medicine is the same as when he left, even the position has not changed. Is she fooling the ghost?

Li Youran felt the sharp gaze fall on her body, looked back at her in doubt, startled.

Chu Yixuan held the pill box in his hand with a serious face. Li Youran suddenly felt guilty, and quickly got up and walked over, took the medicine in his hand, and quickly took a few pills, before he had time to ask how he discovered it.

Chu Yixuan brought rice back, and his actions made Li Youran feel that something was wrong.

What is this... She is not without long legs, nor is it the puppy she raises at home, the canary in the cage. Is it necessary for him to feed himself with a reluctant expression?

Li Youran complained in her heart, but did not dare to speak out. After a brief contact between the two at the dining table, Chu Yixuan went to watch TV. It's rare for Li Youran to see him so relaxed, but she didn't dare to approach him easily.

She is strong in combat and has a thick-skinned face, but she also needs time to recover. Now that the blood is not full, she has to find a place to meditate.

After clearing the dining table, Li Youran quietly returned to the room. Chu Yixuan thought she would come together because it was always like this before. did not expect……

Tilting his body and watching her enter the room, Chu Yixuan thought for a while, turned off the TV, and went to the study.

To be honest, Li Youran hasn't thought about pleasing Chu Yixuan at all these days, because she is thinking about the painting in her heart.

The three-day period is not long, not short. As soon as the agreed time came, Li Youran immediately called the person.

"Hello, I was the one who wanted to buy a painting from you last time in the gallery. I wonder if you have thought about it?"

When the phone was connected, Li Youran asked straightforwardly.

"Yeah." Shen Linsheng leaned on the back of the chair and pinched the bridge of his nose to relieve eye fatigue. "But it's a bit troublesome. I don't know if Miss Li has time, let's meet and talk."

"Some and some. When and where?"

Her impatient attitude made Shen Linsheng amused. After thinking about it, the two still made an appointment to meet at the gallery.

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