Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1635: We are very destined

"That's a good walk around."

Shen Linsheng followed Li Youran's words to chat, Li Youran didn't think much, nodded casually.

Seeing that the two of them had almost eaten, Li Youran took the initiative to say: "Mr. Shen has helped me a lot, so I must be invited for this meal, and you don't want to fight with me."

Shen Linsheng looked at her embarrassedly. Seeing her look firm, he couldn't say anything.

"Well, I'll go outside and wait for you."

Li Youran breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't like to owe favors.

When she walked to the front desk, Li Youran lowered her head to take her wallet, and said to the waiter: "Check out at table 27."

"Excuse me, what's the number, miss?"

"Number 27."

"Uh... Table 27 is over."

The waiter's words left Li Youran confused. It's over? When did it end?

She looked at the waiter suspiciously, and after listening to her, she gritted her teeth and looked at Shen Linsheng outside the door.

Shen Linsheng met her gaze, shrugged, and smiled helplessly. Li Youran didn't expect that he would settle the bill while he went to the bathroom, and pretend that he hadn't done anything.

"The first time I invite you to dinner, how can I get you money. If you feel that I owe me a meal, then we will make an appointment again, and I will definitely let you invite you next time."

After Li Youran came out, Shen Linsheng said with a smile.

"You don't have to pay attention to painting things, I also ask for something, I just take what I need."

Li Youran sighed, and that's the only thing now.

"Well then, I will invite you next time."

"Where are you going next? Go home? I'll see you off."

"Oh no, I plan to go around here." Li Youran shook her head, she was the only one going home, very boring. Besides, this season, the room is cold, not as warm as outside.

"By the way, Mr. Shen, do you know where there is a studio near here?"

Li Youran found that Chu Yixuan didn't seem to like the smell of oil paint, so she didn't plan to paint at home anymore. Find a place nearby, see other people more, and time passes faster.

"You want to learn to paint?" Shen Linsheng was a little surprised, but soon relieved.

Li Youran can spend millions to buy a painting casually, and he certainly has no shortage of money. It is impossible for such a person to come to Guangzhou as a small employee on business trips. So even if she has free time to go shopping and painting, it is normal.

Seeing Li Youran nodded and admitted, Shen Linsheng couldn't help but smile again.

Li Youran felt that his smile was very meaningful, and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"I think we are more destined. I happened to know a teacher who opened a studio near here to teach, and let's take you there."

"Really? Is it far?"

"It's not far, 20 minutes by car."

"Then trouble you!"

I came to the place he said with Shen Linsheng. The studio is very big and there are many students in it. When Shen Linsheng saw the person he was looking for, he stepped forward to say hello. When the other party saw him, he was very surprised.

"Why are you free to come over?"

"My friend wants to learn to paint." Shen Linsheng took Nu Li's leisurely direction, "and I haven't seen the teacher for a while, so come and walk around."

"You kid..."

The old man smiled deeply, then looked in Li Youran's direction and nodded. Li Youran thought that his smile was a little strange, and did not react at first. Later, when he saw him talking to Shen Linsheng in a low voice, it suddenly became clear.

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