Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1637: Is he interested in himself?

After determining that Li Youran was not at home, Chu Yixuan called her suspiciously.

She has been more obedient in the past two days, and not pestering him has also made him feel a lot easier. But with her identity there, he came to Guangzhou with him. He didn't want her to have any accidents that would make the complicated relationship between himself and Jiang Sheng worse.

Li Youran did not expect that Chu Yixuan would call herself, ran out of the classroom to pick it up in a low voice, and heard him say that he is now at home, and after asking her where she is, Li Youran answered truthfully.

"The studio?" Chu Yixuan was taken aback. Does she like painting so much now?

"Well, it's not very far from home. Take a taxi back for twenty minutes. Are you looking for me? If there is something, I will go back now."

"No, I just ask casually."

"Well then, I will end get out of class at 3:30 and I will go back by myself."

Quickly hung up, Li Youran ran back to the studio to continue studying.

At 3:30, Li Youran immediately packed up and prepared to flash people. It is rare for Chu Yixuan to go home so early. She also recuperated for a few days, and her skills were almost restored, so she had to go back and work with him to earn favorability.

As soon as she exited the studio door, Li Youran saw a familiar figure. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Shen Linsheng.

The other party also saw her and smiled slightly. Li Youran walked over to say hello, and asked inexplicably: "Mr. Shen, why are you here? Is there something to do with the teacher?"

"Well, there is something, but the talk is over. I saw you drawing in it just now, so I was not ashamed to interrupt."

"If you can't bother me, I just doodling."

"The teacher said that you are more talented and have a little confidence in yourself. You can."

When Li Youran heard this, her brows were overjoyed. After talking to him a few more words, thinking of Chu Yixuan at home, he said goodbye to go back.

"I'll send you off. It's more difficult to get a taxi here. I happen to be fine now. I am idle when I am idle."

Shen Linsheng opened the door and motioned for her to get in the car. Li Youran looked at him, then at the people waiting in line to take a taxi there, gritted his teeth and sat in.

"I originally planned to ask you to invite me to dinner if you had time today. But you can tell from your anxious appearance, basically nothing."

Start the car, Shen Linsheng said jokingly. Li Youran smiled embarrassedly, and said: "There is indeed something to do today. If you want to eat, it is better to change it tomorrow."

"That's fine, I'll come to pick you up tomorrow."

Li Youran frowned without a trace and glanced at him sideways.

Is he really looking for himself just for a meal? Did you think too much?

If she asks him now, is it interesting to herself, but is answered no, wouldn’t it be too embarrassing? Those who have to contact him in the future, at least until grandma's drawing is handed over, can't offend this person.

Li Youran considered it carefully, and decided to observe again.

The car quickly reached the place, Li Youran ran away in a hurry, and did not notice Shen Linsheng staring at her with interest.

As he ran home in one go, Li Youran looked around the house one by one, but did not find Chu Yixuan.

Is he already gone? Will you not come back tonight? !

Li Youran regretted it very much. If she knew that, she would skip class and come back earlier. Anyway, she is not a good student!

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