After replying, Gu Xiaoxiao threw the phone aside. Soon it was time for get off work, and she was going home with Chu Yichen.

An Chenglang just came to the company and took Chu Xiaoxi away. Chu Xiaoxi was very reluctant, basically, he was forcibly taken away by An Chenglang.

Gu Xiaoxiao walked out of the lounge, walked to Chu Yichen at the desk, and silently tugged at his clothes.

"What's the matter?" Chu Yichen turned his head and looked over, "Wait another five minutes for me, we will leave."

"I'm not in a hurry. It's just a bit boring inside." Gu Xiaoxiao whispered.

Chu Yichen smiled and shook her hand and kissed it.

"Then I will tell you one thing, and you should be boring without thinking."

"What's the matter?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"Bai Yingjie is very anxious to see you."

Chu Yichen also just received a call from Bai Yingjie. He will see Chu Yichen and Gu Xiaoxiao tonight.

"We have dinner with him tonight."

"Why do you want to see me?" Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't figure it out. "Don't tell me... he also knows about Su Zhiying."

Chu Yichen didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either. Bai Yingjie did not mention the reason for meeting them while on the phone. However, in a place like City B, it is in such a conspicuous location, at the time when it is crowded with people. Such things as gun battles are really serious.

In addition to Su Zhiying, there are two other people implicated today. In contrast, Su Zhiying was really lucky with one death and one injury.

China is not country M, and it is normal for this matter to be taken seriously. Bai Yingjie's news is so well-informed, it is impossible for him to find out the relationship between Su Zhiying and Gu Xiaoxiao. After all, he paid so much attention to Gu Xiaoxiao's movements.

Bai Yingjie came so suddenly that Gu Xiaoxiao didn't have any preparations.

Twenty minutes after Chu Yichen told her about this, Gu Xiaoxiao met Bai Yingjie. He drove up in person and looked at Gu Xiaoxiao with a serious expression.

Gu Xiaoxiao rarely saw him with this expression, and pursed her red lips nervously, feeling worried about being reprimanded by him...

Following Bai Yingjie to the place to eat, Gu Xiaoxiao remained silent after sitting down. Anyway, Chu Yichen will help her cope with it.

Bai Yingjie's eyes wandered around the two of them, his brows frowned, as if he had something very important to say.

Bai Yingjie had met Su Zhiying before, but Gu Xiaoxiao didn't know about it.

At the beginning, he ran into Su Zhiying near the Chu Mansion, and Su Zhiying also showed him the so-called ID photo, showing that she was "herself". But Bai Yingjie went back to check it later and found out that he was cheated. The ID photo that Su Zhiying showed that day was completely fake.

Bai Yingjie is also aware of today's emergency. Because foreign leaders are going to visit City B in the last few days, we must do thorough security.

Bai Yingjie sent someone to understand the situation. When he heard his subordinates say that he saw Gu Xiaoxiao at the scene of the incident, Bai Yingjie was completely calm.

This stinky girl, when is it so worrying?

Bai Yingjie's gaze fell on Gu Xiaoxiao's body, and never left. Gu Xiaoxiao put her hands under the table and kept twisting her clothes, making him restless.

She tried hard to make herself look calmer, but after all, she couldn't continue.

"What are you doing staring at me..."

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