Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1655: I want to see that woman!

"An Chenglang, if you don't explain to me, don't think about lying on the same bed with me!"

Chu Xiaoxi looked at him and gritted his teeth.

"Who is that woman, and what did you two say? I'm telling you, I'm not that foolish. You'd better figure it out for me before you confess!"

Overwhelmed by An Chenglang on the bed, Chu Xiaoxi unceremoniously raised his leg and kicked him. Using hands and feet to stop him from getting closer to herself, her angry eyes were red.

"I haven't done anything, what are you telling me to confess?" An Chenglang couldn't laugh or cry, "Good wife, wait a while, you will understand what is going on."

Chu Xiaoxi looked at him suspiciously, remembering what Gu Xiaoxiao had said before.

Could it be possible that An Chenglang and Chu Yichen are really doing a ghost secretly? What kind of trouble do you want to hide from them?

"After a while, how long do you mean to wait?" Chu Xiaoxi asked solemnly with his hands wrapped around his chest.

"Oh..." An Chenglang was asked, because he was not sure. "A few months...?"

"You fart! An Chenglang, you are playing tricks on me, right?!"

"No, no, how can I dare to fool you?" An Chenglang explained quickly, "Everyone knows that my wife is so smart, and you don't want to think about it, who would dare to be a junior for me?"

What An Chenglang said is correct. Chu Xiaoxi didn't know what she had done, anyway, in the eyes of outsiders, she was the kind of resolute and resolute role that was particularly difficult to provoke. To tease in her own words, in the eyes of the little girls, she was like an old witch who cannibalize people without spitting out bones, ferocious and vicious. Therefore, whether it is a newcomer in the entertainment industry, or an employee of the company and her unfamiliar, when she mentions Chu Xiaoxi's name, she will put on an expression of "not much to say", which makes Chu Xiaoxi very distressed.

Strongly suppressing Chu Xiaoxi, An Chenglang has been busy these days, so he didn't cling to her too hard. After a few days, hug this soft fragrance body again, naturally I miss it very much.

"It's so fragrant."

Lowering his head, An Chenglang took a deep breath, then looked at her with a blurred vision and sighed. Chu Xiaoxi stunned, and stared at him and warned: "Don't give me this one. If you dare to be a gangster, I will let you taste the taste of cutting off your grandchildren's feet!"

"Then you won't have a good life in the future?" An Chenglang asked with a smirk, bent over and bit her ear, and whispered, "Why is my wife so cute."

"You get out!"

Chu Xiaoxi was angry and annoyed, this person was like this, several times, she wanted to talk to him seriously every time, but in the end she would be fooled by him. Just say a few words, and you will pull the topic elsewhere. Moreover, he was also very natural, and if he didn't pay attention, he would really let him go!

"You don't want to make me angry, then you let me see her! I don't ask anything, just see her once!"

"Okay." Facing Chu Xiaoxi's request, An Chenglang happily agreed. "But in terms of time, it's really difficult to arrange."


"You have to see when she is free." An Chenglang said thoughtfully.

"When I want to see people, Chu Xiaoxi has to see when she has time?!" Chu Xiaoxi was really furious after hearing this. "An Chenglang, I'll give you another chance, you tell me this again!"

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