Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1658: Attend Ryugasaki's birthday dinner

In a blink of an eye, it was Ryugasaki Takumi's birthday. Gu Xiaoxiao originally planned not to attend, but after those things happened, she was moved.

In order to continue to attract the attention of those people, Ryugasaki Takumi heard that she would bring Su Zhiying to the dinner. When Gu Xiaoxiao heard such news, it was incredible.

It has only been more than a week since then, how could Su Zhiying recover so quickly? Secondly, Ryugasaki Takumi's use of Su Zhiying as a target really made Gu Xiaoxiao feel sad.

Chu Yichen also knew that Gu Xiaoxiao was worried about Su Zhiying, so he didn't say much. On the day of Longqi Takumi's birthday, he talked to Gu Xiaoxiao about the itinerary early in the morning.

"I will come back to pick you up in the evening. Xiao Xi and Chenglang will also go, and there will be two other friends I know."

"okay, I get it."

Ryugasaki Takumi has been in China for a few months, and the turmoil is not small. This time on his birthday, there must be many people who want to flatter and join in the fun. It's not a problem to look at familiar people, even those who have met with Fengyang Group.

At 6:30 in the evening, Chu Yichen's car appeared downstairs on time. He took Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi with him, and An Chenglang was one step ahead and had already arrived at the banquet hall.

To be honest, An Chenglang and Longqi Takumi, if they weren't separated by Chu Yichen and Gu Xiaoxiao, they really couldn't have a relationship. So he received an invitation letter on his birthday, which really surprised An Chenglang.

But the "tickets" are all here, so you have to watch the excitement. So An Chenglang made a happily decision after learning that Chu Yichen would be attending a banquet.

Around seven o'clock, the number of people gradually increased. An Chenglang took advantage of the time that Chu Yichen hadn't arrived, and looked at the characters who appeared here.

Generally speaking, it was almost as he expected. But there was one person who made An Chenglang very concerned.

Huo Yunxiu, he is also here...

The Huo family has an extraordinary position in the black/dao, this An Chenglang is clear. The relationship between him and Chu Yichen seems to be in the past, but it is definitely not as good as the relationship with Long Qi's family.

I heard that when Huo Yunxiu was studying abroad, he and Ryugasaki Takumi were very good friends. This time Ryugasaki Takumi’s birthday, he seems to have rushed back from Macau deliberately.

Su Zhiying appeared as Ryusaki Takumi's female companion, and the wound on her waist was still aching, and the high heels she was sitting on also had no strength to step on. However, she can still handle such occasions.

Holding Ryugasaki Takumi's arm, she quickly glanced at these people within her sight. After Ryugasaki Takumi warned her in a low voice, she also nodded with a grin on her mouth, very much in line with his every move.

Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Yichen arrived at 7:30, when the banquet hall was already very lively.

The arrival of the two is undoubtedly the icing on the cake. From the moment it entered the gate, it attracted a lot of attention.

Chu Yichen didn't mean anything, and directly led Gu Xiaoxiao towards Longqi Takumi. Huo Yunxian was chatting with Long Qi, and after seeing him, he smiled and said hello.

"Yichen, Xiaoxiao, it's been a long time since I saw you."

"Long time no see." Chu Yichen nodded slightly, and Gu Xiaoxiao, who was beside him, quickly found the identity of the man in front of him.

Huo Yunxiu... It's really been a long time since I saw him. The owner of that bar back then, the young master Hei/Dao who provided Chu Yichen with information about Ling Qianyu? !

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