Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1695: Go to the airport to meet Chu Lin!

Upon hearing this, An Jingyan immediately looked in Chu Yichen's direction happily and thanked him loudly.

Under the Christmas tree, the three children were nervous and expectant to open their gifts. From time to time, they could hear their exclamation. It made people feel that the world of children is really simple.

Enough madness, enough trouble, it's time to sleep. Gu Xiaoxiao was responsible for coaxing them to sleep. After completing the task and returning to the room, she saw that Chu Yichen was already lying in bed waiting for her.

"For me?"

Seeing the delicate and small box in Chu Yichen's hand, Gu Xiaoxiao walked over and asked happily. She stretched out her hand to take it, but Chu Yichen refused.

"How did you know it was for you?"

"Otherwise?" Gu Xiaoxiao tilted her head and looked at him, really stunned. Isn't it really for others?

Chu Yichen couldn't help smiling when she saw her dazed look. Stop joking with her, spread out her palms and handed the gift up.

Gu Xiaoxiao turned her back and smiled satisfied after she glanced at the contents of the box. The things Chu Yichen bought have always been in line with her mind, exquisite but unassuming. Naturally, this bracelet today is not surprising.

"Don't like it?" Chu Yichen asked her to put the box aside soon after seeing her.

"I like it, of course I like it! When did I not like the things you gave?"

Gu Xiaoxiao retorted, climbed onto the bed, and lay down beside him with a big belly.

"I want to talk to you more... You haven't told me what happened after Ryugasaki went to the company that day."

"I didn't say it means nothing happened. If he really caused some trouble, the board members would not be able to sit still."

"So... he really just went to a meeting?"

Gu Xiaoxiao felt that things would not be that simple, but Chu Yichen just nodded, affirming her guess.

"Don't think about him, accompany me to the airport tomorrow." Chu Yichen said with a smile, touching Gu Xiaoxiao's head.

Gu Xiaoxiao stared at him intently, always feeling that his mood today seemed particularly good.

"Who is going to pick up? Is the elder brother coming back?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked obediently. After hearing Chu Yichen's answer, she took a breath and sat up.

"Are you serious?! Didn't you lie to me?!"

"Of course it is true, go to bed, the plane will arrive at 8:30 tomorrow morning."

"it is good!"

Lie down quickly, Gu Xiaoxiao closed her eyes tightly. But I was excited, how easy is it to fall asleep? She thinks Chu Yichen must be the same...

Secretly opening one eye and aiming at Chu Yichen, Gu Xiaoxiao found that he was looking at him steadily.

"Don't watch it! Sleep!" Gu Xiaoxiao protested with dissatisfaction when she reached out her hand to cover her eyes.

Chu Yichen's happiness is real, and Gu Xiaoxiao's happiness is not fake. In other words, her excitement seemed to be even greater than that of Chu Yichen.

Chu Yichen pulled off her hand, looked at her big round eyes and the smile that flashed under them, without saying anything, leaning over and kissing her cherry lips.

Chu Lin came back tomorrow. If it hadn't been for Gu Xiaoxiao's discovery, Chu Yichen couldn't be sure if he could see that person or when he would see it.

"What are you doing..." Gu Xiaoxiao was breathless after being kissed, and after Chu Yichen slowly raised her head, she asked softly.

If you don't agree with her, kiss her, how can there be such an unreasonable person!

"Can't see what I want to do?"

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