Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1697: long time no see……

After waiting for so long and waiting for so long, Chu Lin finally returned to China. Gu Xiaoxiao thought, this is great news for both the Chu family and Su Zhiying.

"By the way, besides you, does anyone else know about this?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice.

"Yes, but not the one you think."

"Huh?" Gu Xiaoxiao was puzzled. "Zhiying doesn't know? How could it happen? Aunt should tell her."

"Maybe I want to see her in person after I come back, and give her a surprise?" Chu Yichen was not so particularly sure. "I don't know exactly what the situation is. We wait to send my aunt to another place. It may take two days for her to go home."

This is also the reason why Chu Yichen did not rush to communicate with his family. After Chu Lin came back, he had to deal with some things first. If Chu Yunfei had known it long ago, it would surely be a big trouble.

Time passed by, and soon it was time for the flight to land.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the direction of the exit, trying very hard to distinguish and look for Chu Lin in the crowd. Although she hadn't seen Chu Lin himself, she still met on the phone. With the faint memory in her head, she recognized it at a glance after Chu Lin appeared in her sight.


Gu Xiaoxiao shook the arm of the person next to him, and after looking at him, he knew that he had also noticed that person.

Chu Lin had known that Chu Yichen would come to pick her up. He hadn't seen her for many years, but he would not admit his mistake.

Walking straight to Chu Yichen, Chu Lin glanced at him up and down, smiled and nodded.

"Smelly boy, he grows so tall."

"If I was still the way I was when I was a child, wouldn't it be a disaster." Chu Yichen's mouth raised slightly and reached out to pick up her suitcase.

"Good aunt." Gu Xiaoxiao greeted Chu Lin cautiously, and after meeting Chu Lin's gaze, she held her breath involuntarily.

"Hello," Chu Lin replied with a smile, "It's nice to meet you, Xiaoxiao."

After a few brief words, they went to the parking lot. Chu Yichen asked her where she was going and drove towards the destination.

Chu Lin originally didn't want him to pick him up, but couldn't stop it, and didn't listen, so he had to see him first.

Sitting in the car, Chu Lin looked at the scenery outside the window in a mixed mood.

How many years have you not returned to this city? How many years have you not seen your family in person?

The car was very quiet, everyone had no words, but they all cherished the hard-won gathering.

"Does your dad know about my return?" Finally, Chu Lin broke the silence with a loud voice.

"You don't want to tell me? Only the two of us know about it. Oh, yes, and Chenglang."

Chu Yichen's words made Gu Xiaoxiao sitting in the back row stunned. An Chenglang? How could he know this too? Could it be...

I remembered that Chu Yichen had recently separated from An Chenglang, and the reason seemed to be a certain woman. Is it possible that An Chenglang secretly contacted her aunt? How is this possible?

"Ha." Chu Lin smiled, "I want to see him too, but I actually played it on my head."

Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't understand the conversation between Chu Lin and Chu Yichen. Sitting there quietly, listening carefully. After the car stopped, Gu Xiaoxiao realized that he had already arrived.

Very remote, Gu Xiaoxiao has never been here. She looked out the window and quickly guessed what place it was.

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