Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1699: Willingly jump into the trap of Longqi

"Anyway, I'm very happy that you can pay attention to the details of me like this." After listening to Gu Xiaoxiao's explanation, Ryugasaki Takumi said ambiguously. "Xiao Xiao, I'll have a meeting later, so I'll leave first, and I'll contact you another day."

Ryugasaki Takumi volunteered to leave, which was a good thing for Gu Xiaoxiao. She nodded immediately, saying goodbye.

Ryugasaki Takumi passed her by, stopped when he reached the car door, and looked back at her.

"Right. Su Zhiying has more time recently. If you want to see her, call me."

Want to see Su Zhiying? Gu Xiaoxiao asked herself secretly. The answer is naturally yes.

She remembered what Su Zhiying had said to herself before, and slowly nodded. Then, she unexpectedly walked to Ryugasaki Takumi.

Ryugasaki watched her actions in surprise, and listened to her whispered words.

"Mr. Longqi, Zhiying is a good friend of mine, and you should know. Try to keep her safe, it's... I beg you."

Ryugasaki Takumi raised his eyebrows lightly, and after staring at Gu Xiaoxiao for a while, he sighed lightly.

"Xiao Xiao, the heart is too kind, and in many cases it may not be a good thing."

Ryugasaki Takumi's response made Gu Xiaoxiao a little confused, is he agreeing or not?

Ryugasaki put her confused expression into his eyes, and after a helpless smile, he raised his hand and rubbed her hair.

"I see, it's windy outside, go in."

"Thanks, bye."

Gu Xiaoxiao took a step back, waved his hand with Takumi Ryugasaki, and then turned back to the office building after watching his car go away.

Standing in the elevator, she was dreaming of what Long Qi just said.

Is it good to be kind? What's wrong, he must be alarmist and frighten himself.

Ryugasaki Takumi always used to be like this when he was in Japan. He even scared her by saying things like killing and cutting hands. It made her look like a bad person on the street and talk to others. Carefully. But it took a long time to discover that there are still many good people. The things Ryuqi said may be true, but they all happened around him, and they didn't have much contact with her.

Even though Long Qi Takumi wanted to use Su Zhiying to see herself for a few years, this time, Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to jump into his trap willingly.

Chu Lin came back, I don't know if Su Zhiying has received the news now. I really hope that she can also end the mission as soon as possible and return to a stable and ordinary life.

After Christmas, it is New Year's Day.

It's the beginning of another year. Saying goodbye to all the misfortunes of the past year, Gu Xiaoxiao suffered from insomnia on the night of New Year's Day.

Lying in Chu Yichen's arms with her eyes open, she didn't dare to move too much. The lights have been turned off for almost an hour, and Chu Yichen must have fallen asleep long ago.

A long sigh came from Gu Xiaoxiao's mouth. She moved slowly, trying hard to turn around.

"what happened?"

A low voice sounded beside her, and she became stiff, and said regretfully: "Did I wake you up?"

"No." Chu Yichen replied softly, "I have not fallen asleep."

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't believe his words too much, but there was no way.

"What's wrong, can't you sleep either?" Chu Yichen asked.

"Um...hmm." Gu Xiaoxiao hesitated and nodded.

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