"Alright, alright, let go. If you don't let go, you don't want to kill me, but strangle me!"

Confused by Li Youran's enthusiasm, Gu Xiaoxiao had a big belly and was almost thrown over by her.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time, I'm a little excited." Li Youran pulled the hat on his head, looked at Gu Xiaoxiao and smiled embarrassedly. "But then again, why is it so cold here?"

"Nonsense, do you think you went to Sanya to escape the cold? It's been snowing for two games." Chu Xiaoxi took her suitcase and said jokingly, "I spent my days in Guangzhou too moist, and I forgot about our side. What season is it?"

"Moisturizing?" Li Youran didn't agree with her description at all. "I just died in a drought over there, okay? Your brother doesn't buy in oil and salt, so I can use all the methods I can use!"

Seeing "relatives", Li Youran also had a place to vomit. When he got into the car at the parking lot, Chu Xiaoxi looked at Li Youran with a meaningful smile, and continued the topic just now.

"You Ran, don't tell me that you have gone to Guangzhou for so long and have not made any progress with my brother. If this is the case, then I will book you a ticket to Guangzhou now, how did you come back, how did you give it to me go back!"


Li Youran is a little confused, she and Chu Yixuan have not made much progress, but...

Thinking of the warmth last night, Li Youran was too embarrassed to say anything.

"Well, you look like a cat eating fish." Chu Xiaoxi turned around with satisfaction and started the car.

The three of them had a great time talking in the car, and Li Youran only learned about Chu Lin's return at this time.

No wonder he was so abnormal and talkative yesterday. It turned out to be for this matter... But did Chu Lin really have anything to do with him when he returned home?

Li Youran has a little frustration. In case Chu Lin was just dispatched back normally instead of Jiang Sheng secretly helping her face, then she...can still enjoy Chu Yixuan's hard-won gentleness with peace of mind?

"Yoran, what do you think?"

She was dumbfounded for a while, Gu Xiaoxiao called her several times without hearing her, and patted her in desperation.

"Ah? Ah! I didn't think about anything!" Li Youran came back to her senses, turned to Gu Xiaoxiao's gaze, and changed the subject: "By the way, Xiaoxiao, I have prepared a gift for you!! You will love it! !"

Li Youran told Gu Xiaoxiao a long time ago that she would bring her a gift this time. So Gu Xiaoxiao was also curious, not knowing what the surprise she was referring to would be.

When the car drove back to the Chu family's old house, Li Youran planned to come over today, and after saying hello to a few elders in the family, he would go home tomorrow.

When she returned to the room, Li Youran carefully took out the painting she bought from Shen Linsheng. After making sure that there was no problem, she let out a sigh of relief.

Gu Xiaoxiao was pulled up by her, but Li Youran only allowed her to stand outside the door and wait.

Looking at Li Youran mysteriously coming out of the room with a dumbfounded smile, Gu Xiaoxiao tilted her head and looked at the things in her hands, and asked curiously: "Is it a painting? You painted it?"

"It's painting, but it's not me." Li Youran said with a melancholy smile: "I wish I had this level!"

"Here, here you are, a birthday present." When the painting was delivered to Gu Xiaoxiao's hands, Li Youran's eyes shone slightly. "Trust me, you will love it very, very much."

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