Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1716: The way to pass the time is to tap someone else's phone

"So, the one you talked with Chenglang on the phone before was regarded as a little San'er woman...Aunt?!"

Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi retreated to the bedroom alone to whisper. They were shocked when they heard what Chu Xiaoxi said.

She thought that only herself and Chu Yichen knew about Chu Lin. She never expected that An Chenglang knew too! And also had direct contact with Chu Lin! Chu Yichen hadn't mentioned this matter at all.

"Yes, it's aunt. She also personally testified to An Chenglang." Chu Xiaoxi couldn't laugh or cry. "No wonder I haven't dared to tell me, I thought it was a woman who was so powerful, and An Chenglang was so protective."

"I said that Chenglang is not that kind of person! But Xiao Xi... Did Chenglang say how he got in touch with his aunt? Look, the aunt doesn't even know about his grandfather, how can he be with Cheng? Lang contact? Is there something important?"

"Ah, I've asked about this." Chu Xiaoxi lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "It seems that Cheng Lang accidentally overheard a phone call while the company was bored to kill time. It was related to his aunt. He At first I felt strange, but then I followed the vine and checked it. Unexpectedly, I found out that my aunt was not dead."

An Chenglang is particularly good in some aspects, Gu Xiaoxiao knows this. He is a first-class hacker, both domestically and internationally. At the same time, he couldn't be more idle.

In this age of advanced information technology, in fact, every phone call made by everyone can be heard by others.

Who are you, where are you, who are you calling, what have you all said. With a computer and a mobile phone, your life is not as safe as you think.

This time An Chenglang listened to Chu Lin directly, which made Chu Lin particularly annoyed. After coming back, he also taught him a lesson, leaving An Chenglang no room for rebuttal and resistance.

"Xiao Xiao, you said that my aunt has worked so hard outside for so many years, and the people above do not look at hard work but also hard work. How come they have been back for so many days, and they still don’t mention the job arrangement for my aunt? Go ahead and send her out? Auntie is so old, she can't toss it anymore!"

Speaking of Chu Lin's affairs, Chu Xiaoxi was very worried, but did not dare to tell others, so he could only come to Gu Xiaoxiao to vomit.

"Furthermore, our family is so special now that You Ran are married. Those people who don't look at the monk's face must also look at the Buddha's face! What do you think they think?"

"Don't worry, it hasn't been long since my aunt came back. Didn't she say it herself, she is on vacation now. You must let her rest before returning to work?"

In fact, Gu Xiaoxiao was more worried about this matter than Chu Xiaoxi, because she knew what happened to Su Zhiying and knew that Chu Lin couldn't leave Su Zhiying alone.

As long as Su Zhiying was still in the whirlpool, Chu Lin would not be able to leave alone. Even if Chu Lin stays in the country in the future, it doesn't mean that she can really stay away from danger.

"Auntie's qualifications and abilities are enough to surpass those people in the country for a hundred blocks. Don't worry, you can't treat her badly!"

Chu Xiaoxi felt relieved when he heard Gu Xiaoxiao say the same. In fact, An Chenglang had comforted her, but she was still uneasy after thinking about it. Because I was too afraid that Chu Lin would leave again.

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