Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1748: Grandma will help you keep a secret

"Xiao Xiao, did something happen? How does grandma feel that you seem unhappy."

Shen Qianyun's words made Gu Xiaoxiao's heart tremble.

"No, I'm just a little tired, maybe it's been too long for me to work, so I'm busy with my colleagues these days, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"It's fine if you don't. If you are not happy, just talk to your grandma. Grandma will help you keep a secret."

"Um... I see."

Leaning his head on Shen Qianyun's shoulder, Gu Xiaoxiao closed his eyes, enjoying the tranquility and comfort.

When she came back, Chu Xiaoxi and Li Youran came to the door soon. In this way, it seems that Gu Xiaoxiao has no time to think about other things.

"Baby, I miss you so much." Chu Xiaoxi hugged Gu Xiaoxiao and said with a grin, "I forgot about An Chenglang's return yesterday. He got up this morning and gave me a meal."

"Training you to be normal, you didn't see his lost expression after getting off the plane yesterday. On the plane, he even showed off to me, saying that you would definitely come to pick him up, etc., I didn't expect it..."

Gu Xiaoxiao felt distressed when he thought of An Chenglang's appearance. And when she said that, Chu Xiaoxi felt a little guilty.

What to do, make up?

"Okay, don't cry and lose your face. Go back to give him a hug at night, so he won't remember anything." Gu Xiaoxiao suggested with a smirk, making Chu Xiaoxi's eyes change.

"Oh? Did you embrace my brother last night? That's why you said this?"

"Wh, no! Don't talk nonsense."

"Ah, blushing!"

The two were frolicking, and Li Youran sat aside and watched enviously.

"Youran, what are you doing sitting stupidly? Hurry up and explain what's happening." Chu Xiaoxi hugged Gu Xiaoxiao, and looked at Li Youran. "I haven't seen you in the last few days, why did your husband go? Back to Guangzhou?"

"I don't know... It seems to be in Shanghai? It doesn't seem to be..."

"Sister, can your heart be bigger? If you don't know whereabouts, you are not afraid that he will run away with someone?"

"I'm not afraid of this. My dad will not let him go if he cheats during marriage." Li Youran said with certainty: "He said he will look for me when he comes back, so I just wait."

Because of the particularity of Chu Yixuan's work, Li Youran can't ask many things. She was also used to his busyness and uncertain whereabouts, and thought it was normal.

"It's good to have a reliable dad." Chu Xiaoxi sighed leisurely, and Jiang Sheng's appearance appeared in his mind, nodded meaningfully, and then looked down at Gu Xiaoxiao and asked interestedly: "Xiao Xiao Xiao, has the chief executive asked you recently?"

"I called, but I can't see him in Japan."

Speaking of Bai Yingjie, Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to see him too, begging him for help.

The three women were in the room, chatting for several hours. Still reluctant to leave after dark, do not want to separate.

But Chu Xiaoxi wanted to go back to coax An Chenglang, and Li Youran didn't want to be a light bulb and eat dog food alone, so he quickly retreated and went home after dinner.

Chu Yichen went to the study, Gu Xiaoxiao accompanied the two children in the children's room, looking down at the content on the phone.

"Mom, what are you looking at?"

Chu Muran tilted her head and looked at her for a long time, but she didn't notice it. Seeing her being so serious, Ranran couldn't help being curious, so she ran over and stared at her phone.

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