The person he wanted to meet has been caught by someone else, and An Chenglang can be sure that this was an accident, because the matter of his coming here was decided temporarily.

"The so-called business can be done with anyone. I know you are hostile to me, how could you take the initiative to send it to the door?" Wearing headphones, An Chenglang mocked and said: "The news is not his own, I I won't save him, so there is no need for the two of us to meet this person."

Ending the call happily, tearing off the headset, An Chenglang flashed a cold light under his eyes.

I won't talk about anything else. I returned to the area where Gu Xiaoxiao and the other two were, and parked the car in the parking lot of a nearby mall, and the two walked to meet them.

"What are you doing?" An Chenglang asked suspiciously looking at Chu Yichen who suddenly changed his route.

"Escape from the dead, spend money to suppress the shock." Chu Yichen rolled up his sleeves and turned to look at him. "I found out now that the problem that money can't solve is really a big problem."

Knowing that Chu Yichen was teasing, An Chenglang smiled helplessly and followed him into the store. The two came out a few minutes later, carrying shopping bags in their hands, and went to find Gu Xiaoxiao and the others.

Gu Xiaoxiao and two were sitting in a coffee shop with their children to rest. They received a call and told them the address, and they soon saw someone.

"What is this?" Chu Xiaoxi aimed at the things in the hands of the two at a glance. After hearing them say that it was a gift, his eyes lighted up instantly.

I just passed by this store, but didn't go in. Unexpectedly, they bought it, and they bought the new quarterly.

"So sincere?" Accepting the gift with satisfaction, Chu Xiaoxi stared at them suspiciously. "What did you two do? Tell me honestly?"

"I went for a run." Chu Yichen replied calmly, "Today's weather is still good, very suitable for morning jogs."

"Haha, I agree." An Chenglang nodded in agreement. The two of them were puzzled, and Chu Xiaoxi lay on An Chenglang and smelled it. Apart from the smell of cigarettes, there was no woman's perfume, so he was not interested. Asked.

Eat, drink, buy, shop, and go shopping. After a day, the itinerary is relatively easy, but people are more tired.

After dinner in the evening, the children fell asleep early. The jet lag has not yet been adjusted, and it is quite uncomfortable for both adults and children.

Gu Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa and looked at the shoes that Chu Yichen had changed. He went to the bathroom to wash, and was not here.

Is there dirt on the shoes? And... blood stains?

Gu Xiaoxiao thought that she was dazzled, and got up and walked over to take a closer look. The more she looked, the more she felt that the white shoes were stained with blood.

Gu Xiaoxiao's hand shook in shock, and the shoe in his hand fell to the ground.

After Chu Yichen came back from the shower, he found Gu Xiaoxiao's face a little pale.

"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?" She walked over and probed her forehead, not hot. Chu Yichen asked worriedly.

"What did you do today? See a friend? What friend?"

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't answer the question, then looked at the shoes at the door, licked her dry lower lip, and whispered.

"Why is there blood on the shoes...?"

Chu Yichen frowned and looked at the direction of the door. After thinking for a while, he knew what was going on.

"I stepped on it accidentally. The place I went to today is indeed not very safe. Violent incidents happen from time to time."

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