Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1767: Can't let them stay in the country

"Okay, okay, good ~ stop crying."

After touching Gu Xiaoxiao's head, Chu Xiaoxi was puzzled. She looked like she had been crying for a long time, and Su Zhiying had only left for a few minutes. Could it be that... was Su Zhiying made to cry?

"Baby, you are a pregnant woman now, and the emotional swings are so severe that it will make the child uneasy. So for the sake of the child, you can't cry anymore, you know?"

Sitting up straight, he wiped Gu Xiaoxiao's tears, Chu Xiaoxi hesitated and asked, "Why are you crying?"


"Where is it uncomfortable?"

"The heart is uncomfortable."

"What did Su Zhiying say to you?"

Gu Xiaoxiao shook her head and nodded again, making Chu Xiaoxi a little confused what she meant. Looking sadly at Gu Xiaoxiao's pitiful appearance, Chu Xiaoxi hadn't seen her crying so badly for a long time.

I stayed in the room with Chu Xiaoxi for a long time, no matter what Chu Xiaoxi asked, Gu Xiaoxiao did not tell her the truth. In this way, Chu Xiaoxi was helpless.

Chu Yichen returned home two hours early today. When Chu Xiaoxi saw him, it was like seeing a savior.

"Brother, I have never found you so handsome! I am so happy to see you today!"

"Shao Pangzui, go out." Chu Yichen glanced at her before taking off his clothes and ordered.

"Okay~ I'm leaving now!" Chu Xiaoxi acted immediately, and when he walked to his side, he reminded him in a low voice, "Your wife is in a bad mood, so coax her."

Walking out of the room and closing the door, Chu Xiaoxi sneaked on the door and listened for a while, but did not hear the conversation between the two.

"The voice of this speech is too low, right? I am really anxious..."

Chu Xiaoxi whispered and turned to leave. Gu Xiaoxiao didn't feel relieved, so he didn't go home at all at night and stayed here.

When Chu Yichen saw Gu Xiaoxiao's appearance, he understood what was going on.

"See her?" Sitting next to Gu Xiaoxiao, he asked softly. Looking at Gu Xiaoxiao, she nodded and asked, "Is it all clear?"

"It's clarified." Gu Xiaoxiao continued to nod. "She admitted it, and she didn't even mean to deny it at all."

"She is also a shrewd person, knowing that denying is meaningless now. If you can guess her rebellion, I can naturally. She can hide it from you, but she may not hide it from me."

Hug Gu Xiaoxiao, Chu Yichen softly comforted.

"Now that you understand what kind of person she is, don't be sad. It's not worth crying for such a person."

"I understand the truth, but... it's still sad." Leaning in Chu Yichen's arms, Gu Xiaoxiao said with a wry smile: "I spent most of my time in Japan for three years. I cut my wrists. Suicide, even the blood was lost by her."

Women's feelings are more delicate than men's, so Chu Yichen can understand Gu Xiaoxiao. There are only so few who can be regarded as friends by her. Su Zhiying hid too deeply, and hit Gu Xiaoxiao too hard. For a while, she couldn't recover.

The two lay leaning on the bed and stopped talking. Gu Xiaoxiao worked very hard to calm her emotions, and it took more than half an hour before she got up a little.

"When she goes back, she will definitely talk to Ryusaki Takumi. Yichen, do you have any evidence? Let them go back to Japan. Although I don’t know what their next goal is, I always feel that I can’t do it anymore. Let them stay in the country."

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