Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1784: Uninvited Feng Shengxi

"And your brother, no one else." Bai Yingjie replied happily, and Gu Xiaoxiao agreed after thinking about it.

"Well, I will go with Yichen tonight."

Gu Xiaoxiao's words made Bai Yingjie breathe a sigh of relief, and Bai Anqing, who was standing aside, trying hard to hear the voice on the phone, had a better face.

At six in the evening, Gu Xiaoxiao went to the banquet on time. She believed Bai Yingjie's words, but when she got there, she found that there was an extra person at the dinner table.

Feng Shengxi, she was also here. Bai Yingjie did not mention her on the phone.

Feng Shengxi was sitting beside Bai Anqing, talking to him. Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao two coming, raised his head and smiled slightly, not seeing anything unusual.

Didn't it mean that Feng Cheng got in by Bai Yingjie? Why does she look so calm?

Bai Yingjie was late for ten minutes because of something temporary. After seeing Feng Shengxi, his expression suddenly changed. Obviously, this was not what he expected.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at his reaction and was puzzled. If it is not the person he called, then why is Feng Shengxi here? Could it be that the old man called it?

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Bai Anqing, and soon she had an answer. Because the eyes Bai Qifeng looked at her really made her unable to ignore.

Bai Qifeng, Bai Mo'er's younger brother, Feng Shengxi and Bai Yingjie's son.

When Gu Xiaoxiao saw him before, she was still small. Unexpectedly, after a few years of work, it has been so high, and some changes have taken place in his appearance, and he no longer looks like a child.

He looked at Gu Xiaoxiao with sharp eyes, as if Gu Xiaoxiao was a thorn in his eye.

He has been a bear kid since he was a child, and Gu Xiaoxiao had seen it before. At that time, he was still afraid of Bai Mo'er, but now that Bai Mo'er is gone, is he still afraid of anyone?

Bai Qifeng sat between Feng Shengxi and Bai Anqing, his whole body leaning towards Feng Shengxi. Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the behavior between the two of them and guessed it.

He called Feng Shengxi and told her about it...

Bai Yingjie took the seat with a black face, and because Bai Anqing was there, she couldn't say much.

Since Bai Anqing saw Gu Xiaoxiao, her gaze has basically been on her. I haven't seen each other in a few years, and this girl is no different from the one in the impression. Still looking haughty, Bai Anqing looked a little unhappy.

The scene was a bit awkward and the atmosphere was a bit rigid. Chu Yichen raised his mouth slightly, smiled slowly, raised his hand to pour a glass of wine, handed it to Bai Anqing, and then Bai Yingjie's.

Chu Yichen still has his own way of dealing with elders. After a few sentences, the atmosphere eased a lot.

"How many months has the child been?" Bai Anqing looked at Gu Xiaoxiao and asked. "What month is the due date?"

"May next year."


"Well, boy." Gu Xiaoxiao nodded.

"Good boy." Bai Anqing smiled satisfied, but Gu Xiaoxiao was a little unhappy when she said it. "Better than a girl."

Although he knows that old people are a bit patriarchal, but he shouldn't be so obvious. Fortunately, he didn't let him see Qianqian and Ranran, otherwise Ranran would be wronged if he treated them differently.

"I like my daughter better." Bai Yingjie said just after Bai Anqing's words. "Daughter is caring."

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