Gu Wanting, the woman who is already dead, but affects everyone's heartstrings all the time.

"I found some clues. I think it's better to let him handle this matter."

Chu Yichen was a little helpless, but when he should be confused, his wife was extremely shrewd. He thought that this matter could be kept for a while, but he didn't expect to be punctured by her so quickly.

Chu Yichen had promised Gu Xiaoxiao what he had never forgotten. During this period of time, he contacted a few friends of Gu Wanting's before, spent some thought, and verified that Gu Xiaoxiao's previous guess was correct.

Feng Shengxi and Gu Wanting do know each other. And it was before Feng Shengxi and Bai Yingjie got married, and before Bai Anqing sent someone to arrest Gu Wanting, the two knew each other.

Gu Xiaoxiao listened to Chu Yichen's words tolerantly, and closed his eyes to calm her mood.


If possible, Gu Xiaoxiao absolutely does not want to use these four words.

It seems that Ryuqi Takumi did not lie to her, and Gu Wanting's death was probably caused by Feng Shengxi alone.

Feng Shengxi killed Gu Wanting, and Feng Cheng nearly killed herself. In this way, it can be explained why Bai Yingjie has become so tough.

Chu Yichen looked at Gu Xiaoxiao's uncomfortable look, and hugged her into his arms with distress.

"Why... I don't understand... Isn't human life more important than anything? How can they get this hand..."

"The evil of human nature is bottomless. What is important in our eyes is worthless in their eyes." Chu Yichen understood Gu Xiaoxiao's mood. From discovering his life experience to the present, Gu Xiaoxiao has never He has never been happy because of the prominent status of the Bai family.

"Is it worth a penny..." Thinking of Gu Wanting's life, the hatred in Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes became more obvious. "It seems that some things really just happen to grow into human forms. They... don't deserve to be human at all!"

Gu Xiaoxiao's heart was painful. She has always been the kind of person who has done more than less. After so many years, she has never tried to think about revenge. But now, she really didn't want to make Feng Shengxi feel better.

If Feng Shengxi did everything for Bai Yingjie, to enter the door of the Bai family, and to get everything from the Bai family. So now, she is going to grab it all, even if she is not rare.

She can't kill Feng Shengxi by herself, but she must definitely not let Feng Shengxi be more comfortable...!

After Bai Anqing returned to her residence, she kept asking Bai Yingjie about Gu Xiaoxiao.

"I haven't seen each other for a few years, this girl is quite sensible. That's right, after all, it's our Bai family's child."

It's been a long time since I enjoyed the feeling of my granddaughter being by her side. Sitting on the chair, Bai Anqing thought of Bai Mo'er unconsciously.

If that kid were still alive in the world, how good would it be...

"Dad, I still have something to do, so go to bed first."

"Okay, go ahead." Bai Anqing waved to him to leave. Then he remembered something and stopped him. "Well, let someone go to the street to buy some children's toys back tomorrow, don't forget."

What Gu Xiaoxiao promised made Bai Anqing look forward to. If she doesn't count, he plans to go directly to the Chu family to find someone.

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