Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1812: Professional bodyguard

"I found someone to accompany me, don't worry, he can't run away."

Bringing Bai Qifeng to her own place, even though it was only Gu Xiaoxiao's decision based on a clever move, she was not completely unprepared. She did not believe that she had lived for more than 20 years and could not cure a kid who went to junior high school.

Throughout the night, Bai Qifeng tried to escape from this "cage" several times, but he didn't succeed once. There was no other reason, but Chu Yichen simply slept in the living room.

The next morning, Chu Yichen had just eaten breakfast and heard the doorbell ring before he went to work.

When I walked over and opened the door, I saw a familiar face.

"You are here, come in." Gu Xiaoxiao walked over, glanced at Nie Hai outside the door, smiled and said: "Thank you, I ran over in the morning. Where is your lady? When will you come?"

"I'll be there in a while."

Entering the door, Nie Hai stayed aside properly, thinking that since Li Youran got to know Gu Xiaoxiao and the others, he has become more and more able to toss...

"Professional bodyguard, how about it, not bad?" Gu Xiaoxiao flauntedly said to Chu Yichen, "You can always rest assured now? My safety is also guaranteed."

Chu Yichen nodded and was busy going out. Bai Qifeng didn't eat in the morning, and finally waited until ten o'clock. When he felt that Chu Yichen should have left, he sneaked out. Unexpectedly, there were several other people in the living room.

"Oh, this kid is much fatter than when he was a kid." Chu Xiaoxi looked at him up and down, and said with a joking smile: "At first glance, the food at home is good."

"He doesn't look like you at all, is he really your brother?" Li Youran withdrew his curious gaze and asked in confusion.

"I'm not her brother! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Heh." Gu Xiaoxiao chuckled and glanced at him sideways. "It's like someone who has a little brother like you is rare."

Gu Xiaoxiao's words caused Bai Qifeng's brows to frown, and then he was very angry. He glared at Gu Xiaoxiao, and then rushed towards the door.

Nie Hai leaned against the wall, eating an apple, and stopped him without even looking at him. He is 1.85 meters tall, and he is full of momentum just by standing there, let alone starting.

Gu Xiaoxiao asked someone to change the door lock at home, the code lock, even if you get out of the house, you still need a code. In this way, there is no need to stare at Bai Qifeng at night.

The reason why Chu Xiaoxi and Li Youran appeared here was entirely because they accidentally learned of Gu Xiaoxiao's plan, so they came to join in the fun.

Before Gu Xiaoxiao went to Bai's house, Chu Xiaoxi had called her. So Chu Xiaoxi was the first to learn about Gu Xiaoxiao's plan.

Educating bear children is quite challenging. Chu Xiaoxi is idle at home now, and he doesn't care about company affairs anymore, and Li Youran's head is about to grow grass. So when the two got together, they ran to Gu Xiaoxiao to help. Chu Xiaoxi did it even more simply, planning to live next door, and not going home for some time recently.

Bai Qifeng's one-to-four is definitely impossible. So all he can do is just stay in the room and look for opportunities.

He didn't eat anything in the morning, and Gu Xiaoxiao came to his room to call someone at lunch, but he also refused with a spine structure.

"Are you sure you really don't eat it?" Gu Xiaoxiao stared at him suspiciously. "I cook but it is delicious."

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