Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1814: If you don't want to die, just be obedient

Reluctantly sitting next to Gu Xiaoxiao, Bai Qifeng really had no choice. Gu Xiaoxiao is not the only person in this room, he can't escape at all.

Dad and grandpa don't want him, and mother can't contact him either. He is just a person now, he can only rely on himself.

With a groaning belly, Bai Qifeng tried hard to pretend that it was not his own voice. Gu Xiaoxiao heard it really, and the corners of her mouth rose. Sure enough, for children, hunger is the most effective way.

Bai Qifeng leaned on the back of his chair, watched Gu Xiaoxiao flip through the book, and spoke.

"I heard you study well?"

"Well, much better than you." Gu Xiaoxiao answered without hesitation.

"How can you be like me? Even if I don't study, I don't need money when I grow up." Bai Qifeng's remarks surprised Gu Xiaoxiao. "What's the use of studying well? Doesn't it depend on relationships after entering society? I have my dad, and when I become an adult, I will join the army and then join the army. Even if I don't study well, I will still be an officer."

Gu Xiaoxiao would never believe it if he hadn't heard it with his own ears. Such a remark came from a fourteen-year-old child.

It is impossible for Bai Yingjie to teach him this, and Bai Anqing would not let him embarrass herself so much. So the only answer is that Feng Shengxi instilled these ideas in him.

Gu Xiaoxiao felt terrible. Such pampering and pampering was simply ruining a child.

"Is power eternal?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked him slowly, "Your grandfather was so powerful and powerful before, but now? You are so sure that your father will not be sacked in the future. one day?"

"Who are you cursing?!"

"I have no curse. I'm just talking about reality. Your father is also my father. He is good and good for all of us. But you can't rely on him for a lifetime, otherwise, what do you have with a maggot? The difference? Dignified man, gnawing old until you grow old, you are not afraid of being laughed at by others?"

Bai Qifeng opened his mouth and wanted to talk back, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"I was the first in grade at your age. Don't you look down on me? But it turns out that you are inferior to me." Gu Xiaoxiao clicked on a certain line in the book, "You can do anything so simple. No, I'm ashamed to say that you will be a soldier in the future? The soldier is a soldier of the people and serves the people. I don't want to be protected by an illiterate like you. It is too dangerous."

Gu Xiaoxiao satirized Bai Qifeng every sentence, and he was particularly upset when he heard it.

"Who do you think is illiterate?!" He stood up and looked at Bai Qifeng's posture, as if he was about to hit someone.

"Speak of you." Gu Xiaoxiao calmly answered his question, "Aren't you? You can solve the problem with just a formula, but you didn't get it right. Tsk tsk, I don't need to say anything more. ?"


Bai Qifeng didn't say much, and raised his hand to hit Gu Xiaoxiao, but in the end he was blocked by Gu Xiaoxiao.

Grasping his wrist tightly, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him with cool eyes, and said word by word: "Before you do it with me, you must think clearly, what will happen to you if you hurt me. I am the Bai family. , Also from the Chu family. If you don't want to die like your sister, just be obedient to me."

Bai Qifeng swallowed, because Gu Xiaoxiao in front of him looked really scary.

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