Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1823: If necessary, kill Su Zhiying

"How did you know this?"

It was impossible for Chu Lin to let Su Zhiying know about such a secret operation.

"Of course it's my own way." Su Zhiying smiled slyly, "Whether it is intelligence or skill, how can I let you know everything without reservation? I have to leave myself a bargaining chip to save my life. what."

Su Zhiying is like a fox. She sets traps for others all the time.

"Your family does have money, but your father doesn't like me, and I can't get on you, so no matter how rich you have, there is only a limit to what you can give me." Su Zhiying said straightforwardly to Ryusaki Takumi, "The current Money has been enough for me to spend a while. Japan is not a safe place, even more so by your side. During this time, to help you, I have been regarded as a thorn in my eyes by Chu Lin. I have to plan for myself in the future. That's it."

"Since you know Chu Lin wants to kill you, are you going to China?"

"No way, the most dangerous place is also the safest place. Besides, if I want to leave, I have to show you my sincerity. I don't believe that if I do nothing, your father will really Let me go."

Ryugasaki Shuhei is black, but also a businessman. He will not do things that are unprofitable.

"Go and talk to him, I'll wait for your news. Of course, I know you are not at ease with me, so it is best to send a few more people to watch me. By the way, protect me too."

At the critical moment, Su Zhiying's fear of death appeared. She turned around and asked Ryugasaki Takumi for protection.

Whether these words of Su Zhiying are true or not, Ryugasaki Takumi is still uncertain. But based on his understanding of Su Zhiying, he felt that the possibility of truth is still relatively high.

Drive away to see Ryuqi Shuhei and tell him what Su Zhiying said. After hearing this, Ryugasaki Shuhei frowned.

People who can make him frown are rare.

Ryugasaki Shuhei took a sip of tea and looked at Ryugasaki Takumi.

"Su Zhiying is really too cunning."

"If you are not cunning, how could you have fooled Chu Lin for so many years."

"But now, I am a little skeptical. She can lie to Chu Lin, can't she lie to us?" Long Qi Xiuping's eyes faintly flashed with killing intent. "This person can't be kept. I will send someone to pay attention to the situation in China. You can watch her these days. If you find anything wrong with her, I will deal with them immediately."

"Okay, I understand."

After talking with Ryugasaki Shuhei, and then returned to the residence, it was already more than one o'clock in the morning.

When Ryugasaki Takumi returned home, she found that Su Zhiying was still sitting in the living room drinking wine, not sleeping.

"I'm back." Turning her head to look at Ryugasaki Takumi, she greeted with a smile. "What did your father say?"

"He said think about it."

"Didn't you say that you want to kill me?" Su Zhiying continued to laugh, watching Ryuqi Takumi step by step approaching her and sitting down. She lowered her voice and asked mysteriously: "You really want to know. How did I guess, right?"

"I'm not curious. It's normal that we want to get rid of you."

"Yeah~ That's right." Su Zhiying nodded, leaned forward and leaned on his shoulder.

Ryugasaki Takumi was a little disgusted with her behavior. Pushed her, warning: "Stay away from me."

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