Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1826: How many secrets do you know about me?

Su Zhiying finished speaking and yawned.

"I'm hungry, invite me to dinner. I want to eat steak."

Ryugasaki Takumi lowered his eyes and stood up. Su Zhiying knew that he had agreed, and happily followed. When I arrived at the store, I only picked the most expensive point, which made Ryugasaki Takumi feel a little embarrassed.

"Xiao Xiao never does such a thing, she only chooses the most suitable one."

"Yes, yes, Gu Xiaoxiao is the best. The most innocent, the most kind and the most gentle and sensible. I can't even match a single piece of her hair, right?" Su Zhiying sniffed and said: "If she had a smarter head , It’s even more perfect. It’s a pity that someone as smart as me is too rare. So for shortcomings other than IQ, you can bear with me."

Su Zhiying's words were not at all polite, and the two chatted while eating. Ryugasaki Takumi originally worried that if Su Zhiying were allowed to go to China like this, 80% of them would be caught. But after learning about her and Maekawa Yong's affairs, this possibility dropped to fifty.

"You know so many secrets of Chu Lin, so how much do you know about me?" Suddenly, Long Qi Takumi's conversation turned around, making Su Zhiying's swallowing motion startled and almost choked.

Swallowing the food in her mouth hard, she drank quickly and eased her breath.

"Why? You want to play things around me? Are you stupid?" Su Zhiying looked at him vigilantly and said, "If I recruit, wouldn't it cause me to kill myself?"

"So if you say this, it shows that you do know some of my secrets."

"Don't look at me with such a gloomy look, don't you know that your eyes are very lethal?" Su Zhiying became a little uneasy. "As the saying goes, there are no wet shoes when walking along the river. I have been with you for so long. Even if I know some secrets you don't know, it's normal, right?"

After the conversation, Su Zhiying realized that the sentence of often walking by the river should not be used here.

"Don't worry." Leaning forward, Su Zhiying said pleasedly, "How smart I am, you have already seen it. I am a person, when I should be strict, I am very strict. What I should not say, I won't say a word. What's more, I have to come back after I finish my business in China, and there are some things I have to ask you to do. How could I offend my sponsor? Are you right?"

"Women who are too smart often don't end well." Ryugasaki Takumi kindly reminded.

"You are wrong about this! A woman, either depends on beauty or IQ. Since I don't have a good natural skin, I will naturally have to work harder the day after tomorrow. What can women not do this year? Maybe many years later. , Which country’s prime minister is Su Zhiying! When you meet again, you have to nod and bow with me."

Su Zhiying imagined a bright future and raised her eyebrows with Ryugasaki Takumi. Ryuqi looked at her sullenly, smiled, and said nothing.

After eating and drinking, returned to the residence, Ryugasaki Takumi changed his clothes and left soon.

Su Zhiying felt that this man was a bit clean, but then again, how could he not abandon Gu Xiaoxiao who had been "used" by someone so clean?

There are some problems, even if Su Zhiying is smarter, she can't think of a reason. So she is not so tired and doesn't want to.

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