Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1831: Feng Shengxi is downstairs

"Gu Xiaoxiao!"

Li Youran was angrily laughed by her, but in fact, under normal circumstances, most women would think about this kind of problem before giving birth.

"Just smile, just smile~" Gu Xiaoxiao also pursed her lips. "Don't worry, your husband will be fine. When Chu Yichen comes back in the evening, I will ask him to find out and see if he knows. I don’t know where the eldest brother is. If there is news, I will notify you immediately."

The two sat on the sofa and chatted. After a while, Nie Hai called Li Youran.

Li Youran thought he was urging him to go downstairs and go home, so she was a little unhappy. But unexpectedly, I heard Nie Hai say something like that.

"Xiao Xiao..." Holding the phone, Li Youran looked at the people next to her. "Nie Hai said, he saw Feng Shengxi wandering downstairs."

Gu Xiaoxiao took a breath. The security work in this community is still relatively good, so even if Feng Shengxi can enter the gate of the community, he cannot enter the building without a key card.

She already knew she lived here with Bai Qifeng? When did you know? How did you know? This matter is not even clear to the rest of the family...

Gu Xiaoxiao was puzzled and was silent for a long time before she made another sound.

"You Ran, let Nie Hai stare downstairs for a while to see what else she does and when to leave, and then tell me."

"it is good!"

Li Youran called and ordered Nie Hai. More than an hour later, I received a reply.

Feng Shengxi actually wandered around the community for more than an hour... She almost went around the whole community, not just wandering downstairs in Gu Xiaoxiao. People who don't know will think she is walking downstairs when they see her, which is not questionable.

"What does she want to do after wandering downstairs for so long? Xiaoxiao, you must go out less recently. No, try not to go out!"

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure." Gu Xiaoxiao lowered her voice, afraid that Bai Qifeng would hear their conversation.

Feng Shengxi's actions are indeed questionable. She came over today and didn't even call herself. After walking downstairs for so long, are you waiting for a chance to meet her and Bai Qifeng? Or is there another purpose?

For a while, Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't get a definite answer. But in the evening, when Chu Yichen came back, he told her one thing.

"My aunt asked us to move back in recently."

"Aunt? Why?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"She said that she has a task to perform recently, which may involve us, so I hope we will return to the old house to be safer."

Chu Lin's mission would involve them. Could it be that it was related to Ryuqi Takumi?

Gu Xiaoxiao thought of this in his heart, and asked directly.

"How is Bao'er's recent reaction so fast?" Chu Yichen smiled without denying it. "It seems to be arresting the people who stayed here from Ryugasaki."

"People in China want to arrest, but what about foreign people? Did your aunt say how to deal with Zhiying's affairs?"

"She didn't mention this. But I want to know that she will not let Su Zhiying go."

"Okay..." Gu Xiaoxiao sighed, "Then what will Xiaofeng do if we go back? Grandpa will be furious if we take him back, and grandma will also be unhappy."

"I have contacted the Bai family, and they will send someone to pick it up tomorrow morning."

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