Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1841: Live to see people, die to see corpses

"Cheng Chengcheng, you stay at home honestly, if you have anything to say when I go back."

After hung up Chu Xiaoxi's phone in a hurry, An Chenglang also became busy. In fact, it is not too difficult to prevent a certain plane from taking off. But it is not easy to stop a few or a dozen at the same time. Apart from the emotions of the passengers, the most important point is the problem of air coordination.

I found someone to contact the airport specifically, and An Chenglang drove to the airport quickly while talking on the phone.

After Su Zhiying and Gu Xiaoxiao had finished talking, they turned off their mobile phones, smiled at the person who was watching her not far away, and stretched.

After coming back for so many days, Su Zhiying spent every day with extremely tight nerves. When it finally came to the day of leaving, she couldn't help being sleepy, and just wanted to close her eyes early and take a break.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes, and it was time to start boarding. However, not only did the airport have no such meaning, but the news came from the radio that all the flights were temporarily delayed for the next half an hour.

Slowly opening her eyes, Su Zhiying smiled with interest and muttered to herself: "As expected of the Chu family, this action is fast enough."

Suddenly this happened, and Shuhei Ryugasaki's people would naturally become more vigilant. One after another came to Su Zhiying's side and surrounded her. Everyone looked at her, as if she was going to swallow her alive.

"No matter how you stare at me, this plane won't fly." Su Zhiying shrugged while looking at several people innocently. "If you have time to stare at me, it's better to look around."

While speaking, Su Zhiying stood up and lowered her voice.

"Feng Shengxi kidnapped the lifeblood of the Chu family. We still don't know what the situation is now. We should be more vigorous, so we can't be implicated by her."

"Who were you calling just now?"

"Don't you hear who is calling?" Su Zhiying looked at the questioning man, her tone a little unhappy. "Stop talking nonsense and do more, be careful when I go back, I will sue you!"

Su Zhiying said viciously, and after slanting the man, she began to vigilantly scan the surroundings until she saw a familiar figure.

Turning around instantly, Su Zhiying didn't say much, and immediately walked towards the escape direction she had found before. When the others saw her doing this, they immediately followed.

Bai Ziluo was the first to arrive at the airport. Su Zhiying couldn't think of it, he would come out and get a kick at this moment.

At the moment in the terminal, all passengers sitting or standing, the emotions on their faces are a bit impatient. Only those people like Su Zhiying moved quickly in the opposite direction, and it was hard not to get Bai Ziluo's idea.

He whispered to the people around him, and he rushed towards Su Zhiying. And at this moment, I don't know which brainless person actually fired a shot, making the already restless airport immediately become more chaotic.

Bai Ziluo glanced at the direction of the shot, and went to look at Su Zhiying. Su Zhiying and the others had realized that the big event was not good, and fled around in unison.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Ziluo's eyes fixed on Su Zhiying's body.

The people above have explained that Su Zhiying has to see people or corpses in life.

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