Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1843: I don't want anything, as long as you die.

Lived for a lifetime, without even the most basic courtesy.

When the words came to Shen Qianyun's lips, they were not spoken. She also understood that it was not a good thing to provoke Feng Shengxi at this time. The most they should do is delay time. And make sure that there is no chance to use the gun in Feng Shengxi's hand.

Shen Qianyun sighed for a long time, closed his eyes, and sighed leisurely: "Why are you."

"That is, why is this necessary? Let's sit down and talk if you have anything." Gu Ran also hurriedly spoke, hoping to give full play to his lawyer's advantages. "What do you need? What do you want? Bring it up."

"I don't want anything, as long as you die."

Feng Shengxi's answer was very simple and straightforward. At this time, Gu Ran and others realized that Feng Shengxi didn't seem to contact other people. In other words, she didn't want any ransom.

Feng Shengxi turned around and sat on the table, with the pistol on his legs and his hands around his chest. One by one, the line of sight glanced over the faces of these people, and they smiled slightly.

"What happened to our Feng family recently, you can't know it better in your heart. Now, it's useless for me to ask for more money. So, I just want you to bury me."

Feng Shengxi's voice was very soft. She turned her head and looked out the window, and soon turned her head back.

"You said, which one should I kill first?"

Her question made everyone stiff. This crazy woman doesn't seem to be joking...

"By the way, a good show is on stage, and there must be an audience." Feng Shengxi suddenly remembered something, took out his mobile phone, and found a phone number. "Gu...Xiao Xiao."

Speaking of the name of the person she wanted to find, Feng Shengxi, regardless of other people's pleadings and objections, cruelly dialed Gu Xiaoxiao's phone with a smile.

Gu Xiaoxiao was already distraught at home. When Feng Shengxi called, she answered the phone almost in a second.

"Your children and grandma are in my hands, do you want to save them?" Feng Shengxi asked straightforwardly.

"Yes, what do you want me to do?" Gu Xiaoxiao stood up quickly and asked.

The distance between Chu family and Gu family is not far. Calculating time, Chu Yichen and the others should have almost arrived there now.

"Then come here, as long as I see you, I will let them go, what do you think?"

"it is good."

"Xiao Xiao!" Seeing her, Chu Xiaoxi nodded without hesitation, and shook her arm anxiously.

Gu Xiaoxiao glanced at her, shook her head, and motioned her not to say anything. Then, continue to talk with Feng Shengxi. "I will pass now, don't touch them, I will be there soon."

"I wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Xiaoxiao resolutely walked out. Chu Xiaoxi and Lin Wanwei hurriedly stopped her, but they couldn't stop her wanting to leave.

"Grandma, Xiao Xi, I really can't stay at home." Gu Xiaoxiao was already irritated and didn't know what to do. "Yichen and the others are over there. Even if I pass now, nothing will happen. But if I don’t pass, Feng Shengxi may not really do anything. She is a lunatic, and my mother was killed by her. , She can do everything!"

Regarding the real cause of Gu Wanting's death, this is the first time Lin Wanwei has heard of it. She shook her eyes, and she shook her fist and started to shake.

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