Have seen others?

After hearing what Chu Yichen said, Li Youran turned to look at Gu Xiaoxiao. Seeing her movements, Gu Xiaoxiao shook her head quickly.

"I don't know, really don't know!"

"There is no second person at home who knows about this matter except me, and my aunt doesn't know about it either." Chu Yichen helped Gu Xiaoxiao explain, "Because the situation is a bit special, I can't say it."

"The situation is special? Why is it special?" Li Youran was confused, "Why are you not allowed to tell your family if you are injured?"

"Special status."

Chu Yichen's simple words caused Li Youran to shut her mouth. Don't think too much, this must be what Jiang Sheng meant.

Li Youran gritted her teeth. Sometimes as Jiang Sheng's daughter, she really felt it was a shame.

Suppressing his dissatisfaction with Jiang Sheng, Li Youran asked Chu Yixuan about the situation. And Jiang Sheng did things very fast, and an hour later, someone came to pick up Li Youran.

Toli's leisurely blessing, Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Yichen also came to Chu Yixuan's location. Standing outside the ward, she looked around at her surroundings.

As she had thought before, there were many guards around Chu Yixuan's ward, and no idlers appeared on the entire floor.

Li Youran entered the ward alone, and the room was quiet, as if no one existed.

The person on the bed was lying there, with a thin face, but still handsome. He breathed smoothly, as if he was asleep. But the needle on the arm made Li Youran know that he is a patient.

I don't know how long he has been lying here, but Li Youran stood there for a long time before mustering up the courage to walk towards him.

Walking to the bed step by step, Li Youran bit her mouth and cried silently.

"Chu Yixuan, wake up." Li Youran whispered after touching his arm lightly. "Don't sleep, get up and talk to me."

The answer to her was infinite silence. He didn't respond, no matter how Li Youran begged for threats, he never opened his eyes to look at her.

Li Youran lay helplessly on his body, tears wet his clothes.

How did things become like this? I knew it would be like this, she would never let him go...

Blame, guilty, angry, afraid.

Li Youran couldn't imagine what it would be like without Chu Yixuan by his side. Although they have been together little and more in these years, it is because Li Youran knows where he is, knows what he does, and knows that as long as he stalks, he will definitely be able to see him. But now...

Fear, fear. This kind of feeling Li Youran had never experienced before, even if Chu Yixuan told her with a cold face that they would never have been possible in this life, and she had never been so afraid when she let her move away.

"Chu Yixuan, I finally had your child. Don't leave me alone." Lifting her head, Li Youran looked at him and cried, "You have to be responsible. I don't have money. What if you are not here? Support him."

Li Youran cried in the house for a long time. Chu Yichen and Gu Xiaoxiao kept waiting outside. When the attending doctor came over, they asked about the specific situation.

The bullet from Chu Yixuan's head has been taken out, there is no danger to his life for the time being, and various physical indicators are gradually returning to normal. Only one thing is lethargy.

Gu Xiaoxiao was a little impatient when he heard him play officialdom. In fact, everyone understands that if it’s not for some nerve injury, how can someone who is good enough to be unconscious?

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