"Stop making trouble." Gu Xiaoxiao hugged her, and whispered: "Wait... accompany me to see Zhiying."

Su Zhiying has no family, not in Japan, not even in China.

Chu Yichen has already arranged her future generations. Gu Xiaoxiao is busy these days and has no time to take a look at her.

"Okay, I will accompany you." Chu Xiaoxi nodded, feeling infinitely moved and grateful for Su Zhiying's departure.

When she arrived at the cemetery, looking at the photos on the tombstone, Gu Xiaoxiao lowered her eyes and was silent.

The person in the photo smiled so brilliantly, that Gu Xiaoxiao could not help but think of the scenes around her. The most helpless thing in this world is probably the separation between Yin and Yang. You want to apologize, but the person can't hear it anymore.

Bending down to put down the flowers in his hand, Gu Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly.

"Zhiying, I have revenge for you." Gazing at the photo, Gu Xiaoxiao said slowly: "Of course, I also took revenge for my mother. Before Feng Shengxi died, I angered her fiercely. I did a great job, but I don’t regret it at all."

"You once told me that being too kind is guilty. You have also reminded me of the dangers around me countless times. Now that I think about it, I am too stupid, so I don't understand your intentions."

"You said that the three years with me are the happiest in this life. But you don't know that those days with you by your side are the most at ease for me. A foreign country, forget everything. Only you, To make me feel at ease."

"Zhiying...I think I owe you a lot, and I won't pay it off in this life. Don't worry about my aunt's affairs, I will take good care of her. Moreover, I will not stop at Longqi's house."

Gu Xiaoxiao said to the icy tombstone a long time ago. She was a little incoherent, but she said wherever she thought, which made Chu Xiaoxi feel uncomfortable behind her.

"They are all murderers who killed you. I will do the things you most want to do in your lifetime."

Su Zhiying and Chu Lin have been running around for so many years, aren't they just to wipe out Long Qi's house? And now, this matter has come to the last step.

After Su Zhiying's death, Long Qi Takumi once called Gu Xiaoxiao. She didn't know what he wanted to say, nor was she interested in knowing. So she didn't answer his phone, nor did she read his email.

In the cold wind, Gu Xiaoxiao stood for a long time, but was finally pulled away by Chu Xiaoxi.

It takes more than two hours to drive from the cemetery to the home. Gu Xiaoxiao kept looking out the window, and only halfway through, before turning his head to look at Chu Xiaoxi.

"The New Year will be in a few days, but I don't feel the atmosphere of the New Year at all."

Obviously it is the first year after returning, so I should be very happy.

"That's not the end of the day, you will feel it when you wait!" Chu Xiaoxi smiled and made her happy, "And isn't there a lot of good things? Look, Feng Shengxi is dead, it's very happy, right? The baby in your belly will be out after the New Year, which is also a good thing! Yes, yes, and You Ran. Soon it will be their wedding. I really want to see what the older brother will be after knowing You Ran is pregnant. Kind of expression."

There are a lot of bad things and so are good things. The so-called not going through the wind and rain, you can't see the rainbow, I am afraid that is what it means.

Gu Xiaoxiao nodded thoughtfully, took a deep breath and smiled slowly.

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