Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1889: I know you don't want this kid

Chu Yixuan would suspect that Li Youran wanted to use Jiang Sheng to suppress him and threaten him. But Li Youran still didn't conceal it.

Chu Yixuan moved and walked towards her.

Listening to the approaching footsteps, the nerves in Li Youran's body were tense.

Stopping in front of her, Li Youran gritted her teeth and took a deep breath.

She has no retreat on this issue of the child. She wanted to bow her head and admit defeat in front of Chu Yixuan.

She raised her head and looked directly at Chu Yixuan's eyes. After seeing Chu Yixuan squatting down, he was a little confused and puzzled.

Chu Yixuan just squatted in front of her like this, slightly raised his head and looked at her. Before Li Youran had time to say anything, she held her hand.

"Why do you think I don't want this child?" He asked in a low voice, Li Youran's heart trembled.

"Because...because..." Li Youran was a little confused, and didn't know how to answer for a while. After thinking about it seriously, she said aggrieved: "Because you don't seem happy at all. When Xiao Xiao and Xiao Xi knew, they danced and laughed in the hospital with me in their arms, but you look at yourself, where is a little bit happy? Looks like."

When the topic started, I had the courage to continue.

"Moreover, I also know that you don't like me very much. You will definitely think that I want to tie this child to you or something. But no matter what, Chu Yixuan...I won't knock him off."

A teardrop fell from Li Youran's eye sockets, and fell on the back of Chu Yixuan's hand impartially.

She finally couldn't hold back and cried.

"It seems to be pregnant." There was a smile in Chu Yixuan's voice. "I heard that when Xiaoxiao was pregnant before, she was very crying."

He got up and leaned forward. Li Youran was overwhelmed by him on the bed, and there was no room for resistance.

"When did I say that I don't want this child." Chu Yixuan looked at her up close, smelling the faint fragrance of her body.

Before today, he had indeed never thought that he would have children so soon. But after hearing what Li Youran said, he found that he was not disgusted with the child's arrival. On the contrary, there was some expectation and happiness.

"So, what do you mean..."

Li Youran's dim eyes finally returned to their former glory. She grabbed Chu Yixuan's clothes excitedly, eager to hear a clear answer.

"Give birth to the child." Chu Yixuan said softly as she wished: "I want this child."

After speaking, he lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead.

"You have worked hard during this time."

Chu Yixuan's soft voice soothed, making Li Youran feel particularly unreal. She raised her hand and touched his cheek. After confirming that the person in front of him was really the cold-faced iceberg, a smile appeared on his face.

"You just want this child." She sniffed, and she said slyly: "Otherwise, I'll go to my grandpa to file a complaint. Xiao Xi said, if grandpa knew, he would definitely hit you."

"Well, it will definitely happen." Chu Yixuan did not refute, nodded in a good manner. "So don't mess up, I'm still a patient, and I have to recuperate."

Li Youran smiled, his eyes started to look in the direction of the door.

"What are you looking at?" Chu Yixuan asked in confusion when she noticed her behavior.

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