Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1898: Not everyone who has studied art can become a painter

Li Youran seemed to know Shen Qianyun better than Gu Xiaoxiao, and she didn't give Gu Xiaoxiao too much time to think about it, so she took the top-heavy Gu Xiaoxiao and went to Shen Qianyun for help.

Li Youran likes Shen Qianyun very much. She feels that there are really not many old people like Shen Qianyun who are knowledgeable and understand the minds of young people. So after arriving in front of Shen Qianyun, she didn't do much foreshadowing, and after a few perfunctory sentences, she went straight to the topic.

"Grandma, I remember you said before that you have a friend who works as a professor at the Italian Academy of Fine Arts, right?"

Shen Qianyun nodded, wondering why she suddenly mentioned this.

"I want to go to school."

Li Youran told her straightforwardly what she was thinking. After hearing this, Shen Qianyun was as surprised as Gu Xiaoxiao.

She turned her head to look at Gu Xiaoxiao. Gu Xiaoxiao also looked helpless, handed over the water that had just been poured, and motioned to Shen Qianyun to take a sip, shocked.

Shen Qianyun frowned slightly, she lowered her head to think for a while, then looked at Li Youran again, and said: "Not everyone who has studied fine art can become a painter. Youran, I think you should be psychologically prepared for this. "

Even if she went to Italy, even if she was admitted to that school. But after a few years of study, he may still be just an ordinary person. Many things are not successful if you work hard, and much effort in this world is wasted.

"I know, but I still want to go out and try."

"Then let me think about it and give you an answer tomorrow."

"Grandma?!" Gu Xiaoxiao did not expect that she would be so happy, and refused Li Youran without a bite.

"You Ran, you go back to rest first, I have a phone call to talk to Xiaoxiao."

Sending Li Youran away, Shen Qianyun asked Gu Xiaoxiao the real story. Li Youran just gave a rough idea, so Shen Qianyun didn't know exactly why she made such a big determination.

After listening to Gu Xiaoxiao's words, Shen Qianyun nodded thoughtfully.

"What do you think of this matter?"

"Me?" Gu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed, lowering her voice, for fear that Li Youran would hide outside and listen, after all, this girl is a habitual offender. "I can't make up my mind. In fact, I support You Ran. She wants to be a good thing for herself. She has been trapped in City B these years, and now she finally got what she wanted and got married with her eldest brother. The development was not as smooth as she thought."

Gu Xiaoxiao felt wronged for Li Youran too, but what is the use of her grievance?

"In my opinion, it's good to leave leisurely for a while. She calms down and the elder brother can see her heart clearly. However, she is pregnant now. If she leaves like this, in case something happens Accident, I will regret death after that!"

Gu Xiaoxiao experienced the pain of losing a child once. Now as long as she remembered that incident, she still felt heartache and breathing difficulties.

"Well, grandma understands what you mean."

Shen Qianyun only said this, and let Gu Xiaoxiao leave. Gu Xiaoxiao was confused and couldn't see her plan.

One day passed, and at noon the next day, Shen Qianyun called the two to her room, which was a definite answer to Li Youran.

"Are you really determined to go to Italy? You Ran, you have to think about it. If I send you there, you will definitely not be able to come back in a week or two."

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