Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1907: You are the one who doesn't want to get married, and you who don't want to

Nie Hai saw Li Youran's meaning and smiled silently.

"In fact, the master cares about the young lady very much, but you didn't notice it."

"Oh? Really? Are you sure you said this, not to fool me?"

"Of course." Nie Hai nodded and answered very positively. "I think there is just a lack of communication between you."

Li Youran gave a cry, said nothing, and continued to study.

The time of the day is busy and fulfilling. She calculated the time difference and turned on the phone at four in the morning in China.

She has been away for a week, and Chu Yixuan must have known that she is not in the country now, don't know... when will he come to find himself?

After waiting for a while, no text messages from Chu Yixuan came. Li Youran was disappointed and discouraged. After rolling his eyes, Li Youran threw the phone on the bed, extremely depressed.

"Asshole, when I go back, I will really divorce you!"

Li Youran gritted her teeth, climbed onto the bed and turned off the machine, looking at the ceiling and thinking wildly. She didn't know what Chu Yixuan was doing recently. As for Jiang Sheng, she naturally didn't know about Chu Yixuan.

Summoned by Jiang Sheng again, Chu Yixuan had already guessed what he was for.

After driving to Jiang Sheng's office, standing at his desk, after he signed a document and gave it to the secretary to look at him, Chu Yixuan saw a sharp light in his eyes.

"You Ran has gone abroad, do you know about this."

Jiang Sheng used a positive tone, but Chu Yixuan shook his head.

"I know she left, but I don't know where she went."

Jiang Sheng snorted and said sarcastically: "That's how you treat my daughter?" Between the lines, the feeling of dissatisfaction was already obvious. "I'm not mean to you. Marrying your daughter to you is also a way of fancying you. But obviously, you disappoint me a lot."

Chu Yixuan thought for a moment, but did not refute. Because what Jiang Sheng said was the truth, he didn't know how to refute it.

"Youran told me before leaving, she wants to divorce you. You two things, before you know many people, hurry up. I am going to the United States tomorrow, I want to divorce this matter. , You don’t need me to arrange for someone to do it for you, right?”

Jiang Sheng meant to let Chu Yixuan solve it by himself.

"As for the divorce, I want to wait for Youran's return before making a decision."

"Oh?" Jiang Sheng continued to sneer, "You were the one who didn't want to get married at the beginning, but you are the one who doesn't want to get divorced now?"

No matter what Chu Yixuan thought, what Li Youran planned. But Jiang Sheng's desire to divorce them was true.

He is not a qualified father, Jiang Sheng has never denied this. But for Li Youran's future happiness, he has not considered it.

He wanted Li Youran to marry someone who could hold her in the palm of his hand, not a Chu Yixuan who needed her to run behind, but he didn't even want to take another look.

Jiang Sheng once said that he didn't like Chu Yixuan very much, because Chu Yixuan was not an obedient person. Such a person is too assertive, and the one who suffers from the sadness with him can only be Li Youran.

"Yes." Chu Yixuan's answer made Jiang Sheng raise his eyebrows. "I really don't want to get a divorce. Moreover, I haven't heard her tell me in person that she wants to divorce me."

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