Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1919: Su Zuonan has a girlfriend

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Li Youran has been in Italy for a month. And Chu Yixuan, after being trained at home by Chu Yunfei for a few days, also let him go. This time, he really went back to Guangzhou.

He disappeared for a few months, and if he doesn't go back to show up, I am afraid that Guangzhou will be unstable again. And now there have been various news about his whereabouts in the past few months, and some people even suspect that he was arrested for investigation without showing up.

After saving a lot of work, my wife ran away from home and did not come back. When everything came together, Chu Yixuan's mood naturally didn't get better.

Thanks to Chu Xiaoxi, his last few days of vacation were all wasted at home for review. Chu Yunfei sat downstairs all day, trying to kill him. And Chu Yixuan took advantage of these days to sort out his thoughts and decisions very seriously once again.

Back in Guangzhou, I immediately began to work. After four or five meetings a day, and several days passed, Chu Yixuan felt top-heavy.

Milan, Italy, G's new high-definition conference is here as scheduled.

Su Zuonan arrived in Milan two days in advance, and Li Youran was also informed by Gu Xiaoxiao to leave her city for the first time and came to Milan.

Seeing Su Zuonan at the airport, Li Youran was inexplicably excited.

It’s not because I saw a celebrity I like, but because I was in a foreign country, after so many days of loneliness, I suddenly saw a friend who had the same skin color, the same nationality and the same language as myself. This emotion is really hard to control. .

Li Youran's eyes turned red the moment he saw Su Zuonan. Su Zuonan saw her from a distance, and when she approached, she was shocked to see her teary eyes.

"Why are you crying? Are you happy to see me like this?" Su Zuonan asked in a low voice, tilting his head to look at her.

Li Youran sniffed and smiled: "Yes, of course I am happy to see my idol from such a far place."

She cried for a reason. Just now, she suddenly realized how much she missed Chu Yixuan, Gu Xiaoxiao, and everything at home. Even Jiang Sheng, she started to think a little.

"Go, go back and say."

Su Zuonan smiled and glanced around quickly.

There are also a few celebrities who have come to Milan from China recently, so the reporter paparazzi is indispensable at this airport.

He and Li Youran walked forward side by side. Although the two did not have physical contact, Su Zuonan knew that this was enough for the gossip media to write a few reports.

"Don't frown, it's like being kidnapped by me. Smile beautifully, but you have to take the photos back to show your husband."

"He never paid attention to entertainment news."

"That was before. Starting from tomorrow, he may have his eyes on the entertainment section in the past week."

Su Zuonan smiled evilly, he still has confidence in his own influence.

These photos will become the headlines of many newspapers once they are sent out by one media. After all, he has been in the entertainment industry for so many years to clean himself up, let alone fall in love, and even rumored scandals with female stars are rare.

Therefore, his actions today are undoubtedly like publicizing his "relationship" with Li Youran and admitting that he has a girlfriend.

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