Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1921: Pay more attention to color than friends

Chu Yichen looked down at the phone, smiled faintly, and turned his eyes to see Gu Xiaoxiao.

Gu Xiaoxiao smiled and stuffed a candy into his mouth, and whispered: "You Ran is right, Big Brother is really a piece of wood."

With such a big news, almost all the entertainment sections of Weibo TV were broadcast, but Chu Yixuan didn't notice it at all.

Chu Yixuan hung up the phone and stared at the phone screen in a daze.

He wanted to search for the news that Chu Yichen just said, but after another thought, he didn't know what keywords to search for.

Li Youran and other men? Which man? what name?

Returning to the office in confusion, Chu Yixuan opened the entertainment news website aimlessly. Unexpectedly, there was no need for him to search for anything at all, and the photo came directly into view.

The picture of Li Youran's smile made Chu Yixuan's eyes froze. Looking at the man next to her again, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

This man...

After a quick recall, Chu Yixuan thought of who he was.

Su Zuonan, is this the name?

Chu Yixuan felt uncomfortable when he thought that Li Youran had seen his **** scene.

How did these two get together? Chu Yixuan now doesn't even know where Li Youran is, but Su Zuonan actually has dinner with her?

The different treatments made Chu Yixuan particularly upset. After carefully looking at the media reports, he added some words to add to his jealousy, and there was a faint fire in his eyes.

Milan, she went to Milan unexpectedly. Shouldn't it be in Paris?

Throwing the mouse away, Chu Yixuan leaned back on the chair with a headache, his eyes gloomy.

He was still worried, worried about how well she was living outside alone, whether she was still sad because of their children. Unexpectedly, she still recovered so quickly as before. No matter where it is from, it is true.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Chu Yixuan gritted his teeth. After staring at the computer for a while, he closed the web page and stopped thinking about it.

However, the document in front of me couldn't even enter a word. More than ten minutes passed, Chu Yixuan still stared at the first row, not in the mood to work.

It seemed that something was scratching his heart.

Painful, itchy.

This feeling is really uncomfortable, and I don't know what to do to stop it.

Clenching his fist, Chu Yixuan put down the pen in his hand heavily and called Chu Yichen back.

"Send me the contact information of Su Zuonan."

"What do you want to do?" Chu Yichen said cleverly: "I don't know."

"Don't come to this set with me."

"I know I can't say it." Chu Yichen sighed, "Xiao Xiao won't let it."

When he said this, he was holding Gu Xiaoxiao in his arms. Therefore, Gu Xiaoxiao could hear what Chu Yixuan said.

Very satisfied with Chu Yichen's answer, she gave him a thumbs up, nodded, and praised him.

"You can ask Xiao Xi, Su Zuonan is an artist in their company."

Chu Yichen pointed him a clear road. Of course, it was impossible for Chu Yixuan to ask Chu Xiaoxi. Knowing that his sister was more difficult than anyone else, he directly dialed An Chenglang's number. He Chengxiang, An Chenglang's answer is exactly the same as Chu Yichen.

I don't know, my wife won't let you talk.

At this moment, Chu Yixuan really felt it thoroughly.

An Chenglang hung up quickly and looked at Chu Xiaoxi in front of him flatly. "Baby, can I go to my room to sleep tonight?"

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