Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1923: All roads lead to Rome

Shen Linsheng suddenly raised such a question, making Li Youran unavoidably startled. She stiffened, then shook her head.

"Of course not, how did you separate?!"

Shen Linsheng smiled, that smile was quite meaningful. For an instant, Li Youran felt as if he was thoroughly seen through. Including her guilty conscience, including her embarrassment.

"What are you laughing at? I really didn't. I came to play by myself because I was bored. He has been very busy at work. Didn't I tell you before."

"Well, I did. But I didn't expect it to be so busy."

There was something in Shen Linsheng's words, and the two continued to walk forward, Li Youran was a little uncomfortable.

"I am coming to Rome this time, when do you plan to go back?"

"Not sure, how about you?"

"I am here for work, and I may stay here for a month or two."

Isn't that similar to yourself? Li Youran was shocked, thinking that Jiang Sheng had only two months left for her, and she still had no contact with Chu Yixuan, so she couldn't help but panic.

"You Ran, do you have time tonight? Don't mind having a meal with me."

Shen Linsheng suddenly asked, and Li Youran subconsciously wanted to refuse.

She knew in her heart that Shen Linsheng would definitely not feel like an ordinary friend to her. And he had clearly confessed to Li Youran before, so even now in the cold war with Chu Yixuan, she didn't want to mislead Shen Linsheng, thinking they might still be.

However, before the refusal was spoken, I heard Shen Linsheng say again, "I have always wanted to see Teacher Shen, but I haven't seen it until now. I don't know if I have a chance when I return to China."

He mentioned Shen Qianyun, which made Li Youran have to remember the favor she owed him.

"Since grandma has said, I will meet you after the New Year, so don't worry."

"Grandma?" Shen Linsheng was puzzled by Li Youran's address to Shen Qianyun.

"Well, she is my good friend's grandmother. I can still promise you that." Li Youran smiled softly, "I do have something tonight. If you don't mind, I will ask you at noon tomorrow. How about eating?"

"Of course I have no problem, but I will feel sorry to run to a place as far away as Rome and ask you to invite me to dinner."

"Don't think so, you helped me so much, I should ask you."

Walking slowly out of the square, Li Youran saw the cars parked on the side of the road. After exchanging phone numbers with Shen Linsheng, he got in the car and left.

Sitting in the car and staring at the passing crowd and vehicles, Li Youran sighed.

It is often said that all roads lead to Rome. And she is now in the center of Rome, but she doesn't know where to go next.

Li Youran did not deceive Shen Linsheng, she indeed had an appointment tonight. She is going to accompany Professor Susan to a dinner party. I heard that the attendees are basically all seniors in the industry.

Susan's willingness to take her together was flattering Li Youran. I don't know whether it was her hard work these days that moved Susan, or the professor still looked at Shen Qianyun's face. In short, Li Youran would never give up this good opportunity to see the world.

In the evening, she wore a dark blue evening gown to attend the appointment. The language is still a little unclear, she can only speak English, which is not fluent, and follow Susan's side.

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