Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1925: I owe Shen Linsheng again

Listening to what Susan said, Li Youran couldn't calm down for a long time.

She was a little grateful that she had the opportunity to meet such an old man. She was also a little grateful. She was grateful to Shen Qianyun for taking the initiative to contact her old friends who had not been in contact for so many years.

This favor, Shen Li Youran did not know how to pay back.

In the dead of night, she tossed and turned in bed unable to sleep. She didn't force herself to close her eyes until she remembered the appointment with Shen Linsheng tomorrow at noon.

The place to eat is in a restaurant near the school. When Li Youran arrived, Shen Linsheng was already waiting there.

Li Youran was a little embarrassed to invite people to dinner and let people come first.

After seeing him, they smiled apologetically, and the two ordered a meal and talked while eating.

It is a very luxurious thing for people abroad to eat authentic Chinese hot pot. Every expression of Li Youran showed her happiness at this moment, and Shen Linsheng couldn't help but laugh after seeing it.

"I like eating so much, why don't you return home?"

Li Youran's action of picking up vegetables froze, "I haven't played enough yet."

"I heard, you want to come to school?"

"...Professor Susan told you?"

"She was not the only one who was there last night." Afraid that Li Youran would misunderstand something, Shen Linsheng explained: "I know a few of the professors at the school, and they talked about them. Have you been living in Susan's house recently? "

"Well, yes. I only know her here."

"That was before. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me."

"Okay, then you just don't think I am troublesome."

Li Youran nodded, trying to get over this topic as soon as possible.

Chinese news was broadcast on the restaurant’s TV. When Li Youran saw Jiang Sheng appear, he took it seriously.

It turns out that he is now in Moscow... and he really runs around the world. I don't know how he squeezed out the time. He had to make video calls with her on time and on time every day. After being here for so long, he didn't even miss a day.

A very pleasant meal. After the meal, Shen Linsheng personally sent Li Youran back to his residence. Before leaving, I did not forget to remind her.

"If you need someone to write a letter of recommendation, I can help. I should be fairly well-known here."

Going to a university here, in addition to needing your own grades, you can also ask someone to write a recommendation letter to the school to add some impression points to yourself. Li Youran was still upset about this matter, because she couldn't ask Professor Susan to help, let alone go to Shen Qianyun. She even planned to give up this item, but she didn't expect that at the critical moment, Shen Linsheng appeared.

"Really? Thank you so much!"

Looking at her with joy, Li Youran thanked her again and again. "I'm going to grind my gun in the past few days, and I will ask you about the recommendation letter. After the exam is over, I will invite you to dinner!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for your meal. Go in and call if you have any problems."

Watching Li Youran enter the house, Shen Linsheng left in a good mood.

Li Youran solved a problem that was pressing on her heart, and was happy for several days with contentment. Coupled with the busyness before the exam, she didn't have so much time to think about Chu Yixuan.

In the blink of an eye, it was the exam.

After the competition and the interview, when Li Youran came out of the examination room, her whole body was dizzy.

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