Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1930: Are you here to find me?

"It's not about Xiaoxiao's thing, I didn't allow her to tell you! What on earth are you looking for? Didn't I tell you that I want to relax, and I will go home after a while?"

Li Youran was uneasy, always feeling that Chu Yixuan's eyes were too unkind.

Knowing him for so long, it can be regarded as being seen by him with various eyes. But Li Youran still couldn't adapt, and couldn't switch between his various expressions so easily.

Chu Yixuan came to her, and she was not unhappy at all. How could she not want to see him after thinking about him for so long? but……

"What am I going to ask you, what are you looking for?" Seeing Chu Yixuan not speaking, Li Youran asked her own question again.

Maybe Chu Yixuan's eyes were a little bad, but likewise, Li Youran's attitude was not much better.

The first time she was treated like this, Chu Yixuan frowned and felt unhappy.

What's the matter with him coming to her? What else can be?

I want to know how well she is, and how well she is recovering. I want to know what she thinks now. The most important thing is to take her back.

That's right, he used so many methods to finally find her location every day, just to bring her back.

But now, listening to Li Youran's words, he couldn't speak.

"Nothing." With a light sigh, Chu Yixuan stood up slowly and walked towards her.

Seeing him getting closer, Li Youran's body became tighter and tighter.

"It seems that I am not here, and you are doing well. In that case, then I won't bother."

Chu Yixuan’s footsteps stopped in front of Li Youran, and he leaned forward slightly. Just when Li Youran thought he was going to do something to him, his hand reached out to the door behind Li Youran. Before Li Youran was confused and nervous, she opened the door and planned to leave.

"Chu Yixuan!"

Unexpectedly, he would act like this, Li Youran hurriedly called his name, angry and annoyed.

"You stop!"

Chu Yixuan was quite obedient, and stopped slowly when she heard her yelling. Li Youran rushed to him in a few steps and looked up at him.

"What are you doing in Rome? Are you coming to work or come to me."

Chu Yixuan's thin lips closed tightly, not wanting to answer her question. Li Youran did not give up and bought two steps forward, so that between the two of them, there was almost only a fist distance.

"What do you mean by being silent? Are you here to find me?"

"Yes, so what."

Finally, Chu Yixuan spoke.

"You didn't mean that you didn't plan to go back with me."

Li Youran was happy, but did not show it. She really can’t go back. She finally got admitted to the school she dreamed of. Besides, even if he came here, she couldn’t confirm his heart. Maybe, he didn’t come voluntarily, but by family members. What about persecution?

Li Youran is not in City B, but she also knows how miserable Chu Yixuan was scolded by Chu Yunfei and others some time ago. According to Gu Xiaoxiao, the scene was terrible. I heard that the old man interrupted the legs of the bench. I don’t know where he is so strong...

Li Youran looked at Chu Yixuan in a daze, wondering where his grandfather had beaten him...whether he was hurt or where he was hurt.

After watching it for a long time, Li Youran finally recovered.

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