Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1933: I don't know how much Chu Yixuan has

Thinking about it, Li Youran fell asleep without knowing it. At six in the morning, the biological clock woke her up on time. Because she often wakes up in the morning to read, now that the exam is over, she doesn't know what to do for a while.

Tossing in bed and unable to sleep, Li Youran went downstairs to prepare breakfast for Susan and the others.

Nie Hai and Mu Junfan woke up long ago, and they were sitting in the living room chatting in low voices. Seeing Li Youran's disheveled hair, the two looked at each other and Nie Hai walked towards her.

"Miss, when shall we go home?"

"Go home? Which home should you go back to?" Li Youran asked in confusion as she tied her hair. "Are you homesick?"

"No, that..."

Nie Hai looked back at Mu Junfan, and Mu Junfan immediately turned his head away, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Li Youran looked at the interaction between the two and understood what they meant.

Nie Hai talked more of the two of them, so Li Youran usually communicated more with him. But in fact, Li Youran knew that Mu Junfan was very ghostly. He is generally a mental worker, but Nie Hai is the one who runs errands for him.

"Which one? Start, don't get in the way, I'm going to cook." Pushing Nie Hai lightly, Li Youran warned: "I tell you two, I know you were former subordinates of Chu Yixuan. But you You have to recognize who the current master is! If you tell him the news behind my back, I will let my dad give you a pay cut, understand?"

It is most useful to withdraw money when it is critical. Li Youran looked at Nie Hai's hastily nodding, and smiled with satisfaction.

"If you know, go and stay there. I'll call you when I'm ready."

After preparing breakfast, Li Youran felt extremely satisfied. Although it's just a simple fried egg, it looks pretty good. Know that when she was in China, she only cooked instant noodles.

Eat early, Li Youran remembered what Gu Xiaoxiao and the others said last night.

Will Chu Yixuan be near here now? If I go for a stroll, I don’t know if I will meet him...

Li Youran moved her heart, and her body couldn't stay still. When Professor Susan went to work and her daughter and son both drove away, Li Youran stood sneaky in front of the French window and looked outside.

"Nie Hai, Jun Fan, the weather is good today, you two will accompany me for a walk."

She is the only one who says the weather is good.

Both Nie Hai knew that she was a drunkard who didn't want to drink or expose her, and went out with her.

Carrying a bag, Li Youran strolled on the street. I walked to the nearby business district and went to the bookstore for a stroll.

Buying books abroad is really a luxury. Looking at the prices of those books, Li Youran once again felt that it was not easy for students now. No wonder the second-hand book market here is so popular.

Thinking like this in her heart, Li Youran bought a lot of books.

Although she has no money, her father has it! And... Chu Yixuan shouldn't be poor, right?

Li Youran knew that Chu Yichen was very rich. The last time he watched a ranking of the rich, he was in the first place, which really shocked Li Youran. But Chu Yixuan does not have a company. He is a soldier, how much oil and water can he have?

Thinking about it this way, Li Youran looked at the books she bought again, and it hurt a little.

[My nephew has gone home, I don’t have to be a nanny anymore. Update at nine tomorrow morning! 】

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