Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1951: I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air

"You're less stinky! Who would paint you in idle time?!"

"Really? No one? Well, I'll look for it again."

Chu Yixuan retracted his gaze and aimed at the bookshelf. Seeing him like this, Li Youran was scared to death!

She came to Rome for two months and really worked very hard to improve her painting skills. When she was fine, she would paint. The few pictures that Chu Yixuan saw were just her masterpieces the other day. If all the portraits in the cabinet were seen by him, then she would be really helpless!

Chu Yixuan's search radar quickly became effective. He aimed his eyes at the bookcase behind Li Youran, and stretched out his hand there, trying to see what's inside.

"Don't see it!" Li Youran opened her arms and made up her mind to protect her work from falling into his hands. "Why don't you sleep after taking a shower? Go to bed!"

Pushing Chu Yixuan towards the bed, amidst the resistance of the two of them, the bath towel around Chu Yixuan's waist suddenly loosened and fell off.

What is most afraid of the air suddenly quiet? Li Youran felt that this was it.

She felt something falling on her feet, and looked down with reflex. Then, I saw things I shouldn't see.

His face flushed suddenly, and the room was quiet, quiet and scary.

What should I say? What should I do? She can't always keep this position, right?

Not daring to raise his head to touch Chu Yixuan's sight, Li Youran quickly thought about it, then turned around decisively, and moved stiffly to the bed.

"What are you, don't be responsible?"

Chu Yixuan stood still on the spot, and before she was about to leave her tangible range, she grabbed her wrist.

"What's wrong with me, I will be responsible?!" Li Youran was not convinced, "I didn't molest you and didn't seduce you, what responsibility do I have to bear?"

"Are you sure, you didn't seduce me?"

Chu Yixuan was not the only person who had just taken a bath.

Although Li Youran was wearing a dressing gown strictly, his puckered head, white neck, and slightly exposed collarbone were all noticeable.

Approaching Li Youran, Chu Yixuan's actions caused Li Youran to run subconsciously.

It's definitely not possible to go back, where the bed is, she can't take the initiative to get into the tiger's mouth. It's not appropriate to stand still, and she will suffer face to face.

But this room is so big, it is not her own home. Even when she speaks, she keeps her voice low, for fear of disturbing others' rest, where can she go?

"Chu Yixuan, let me go." Li Youran begged for mercy after being easily caught. "Don't make trouble, okay, let's sleep, I'm so sleepy!"

"I was going to sleep too, otherwise? What do you think I want to do?"

Pulled her collar and threw the person onto the bed. Chu Yixuan turned off the lights and blocked Li Youran in the bed by the moonlight.

The two lay there side by side, and no one said anything for a while. Li Youran did not dare to move, did not dare to approach him, did not dare to hide away, she could only close her eyes tightly, praying that he would fall asleep soon.

Chu Yixuan's movement of turning sideways caused Li Youran's heart to suddenly raise her throat. He whispered her name, making her want to continue pretending to be stupid.



He used to call her by her first name, and he rarely called her like that. The soft tone made Li Youran feel that time seemed to have returned to a few months ago.

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