Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1969: When two attacks meet, there must be one

"If you don't like it, why don't you let it go? You Ran is a good girl and deserves to be painful."

Shen Linsheng's words made Chu Yixuan laugh, "How many times have you seen her? Do you know who she is and who am I?"

Shen Linsheng frowned. In fact, he knew Chu Yixuan's identity.

Shen Linsheng originally lived in Guangzhou. Regarding the leader of the Guangzhou Military Region, whether it is on TV or on the Internet, he has seen and heard. In addition, Li Youran had mentioned to him that day, she said that Shen Qianyun was the grandmother of her good friend.

Shen Qianyun is Gu Xiaoxiao's grandmother, and Gu Xiaoxiao is the wife of Chu Yichen, president of Fengyang Group. In this way, the relationship becomes clearer.

But knowing so much about Chu Yixuan and Li Youran's identity, Shen Linsheng still has no clue. It's not that I haven't paid attention to it, nor has it been investigated.

A family that can marry the Chu family will definitely not be normal. Logically speaking, Li Youran's family background should be easy to find. Unfortunately, the fact is just the opposite.

Chu Yixuan watched the changes in Shen Linsheng's expression, smiled jokingly, and said, "It seems that he still knows a little about me."

Jiang Sheng's protection of Li Youran is so in place. If Shen Linsheng really knows something about her, then it would be wrong.

"Even if I don't like her, it's not your turn to like her."

The coffee was served on the table, and Chu Yixuan took a sip slowly, and said such an irritating sentence.

"Similarly, how my wife should be spoiled is still out of your turn."

Chu Yixuan put down the coffee cup, and Shen Linsheng's expression changed slightly.

Shen Linsheng is not the kind of person who has never seen the world. He has traveled around the world for so many years, what kind of person has he not seen? But I have to say that Chu Yixuan's momentum is really extraordinary.

Sitting with someone like him, not saying or doing anything, just being stared at by his eyes will make people feel scared.

Although the corner of Chu Yixuan's mouth was raised, the chill deep in his eyes did not disappear. What is hiding a knife in a smile? Look at Chu Yixuan now.

"Stay away from her." This can be regarded as Chu Yixuan's very friendly advice to him.

Reached out and called the waiter, Chu Yixuan checked out, got up and left. Shen Linsheng didn't stop him because he knew he couldn't let him stay. Moreover, Li Youran has not divorced him now, and he is indeed a standpoint of nothing to say...

With a long sigh, Shen Linsheng leaned back in his chair and looked at the cup of coffee, completely devoid of any desire to drink. He contemplated for a long time, was in a daze for a long time, unknowingly, an hour passed.

Chu Yixuan resolutely left an hour ago, and Shen Linsheng absently stared at a cup of coffee for an hour. This scene is really difficult for people not to misunderstand.

The two rotten shop assistants got together, imagining and talking with gusto, and even distinguished who was attacking and who was receiving. It is obvious from the situation that the dumped Shen Linsheng must be the attacked side.


Just when Shen Linsheng had enough seats and wanted to leave, the beauty shop assistant came over with a new cup of coffee. Looking at him with a pitying gaze, he said, "I asked you."

It wasn't the first time that the beauty accosted him, but Shen Linsheng felt that the woman's eyes looked a little strange at him, and it was impossible to say what was going on.

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