Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1975: The beggar beside the professor

Chu Muqian seemed to have made up his mind, turned to look at the aggrieved sister around him, and comforted.

"Don't you have a smaller dress? Wear it for him!"

Chu Muran was dumbfounded, and Gu Xiaoxiao responded almost the same.

Chu Muqian's proposal made An Jingyan next to him nodded in agreement. These two bad boys really made Gu Xiaoxiao a little worried.

It seems that the growth journey of my youngest son in the next few years will not be too smooth...

Chu Muqian and An Jingyan smiled at each other and reached an agreement. Chu Muran wanted a younger sister, so she joined the organization.

Many years later, when the Chu family's youngest had grown up, he also made a decision when he saw the pictures of himself wearing women's clothing when he was a child. That is to stay away from these three people, no, three demons.

Gu Xiaoxiao gave birth to a child, and Li Youran couldn't help but look forward to the place in his stomach even more. Several times, she almost couldn't help telling Chu Yixuan the truth. But in the end she was still afraid of being scolded, and she was afraid that Chu Yixuan would be angry and ignore her, so she held back.

After a good night's sleep, she came to school the next day. After finishing a day of classes, she received a phone call.

Looking at the unfamiliar number, she picked it up in confusion.

There was an unfamiliar voice on the phone, and after the other party had made it clear, Li Youran nodded.

It turned out to be Professor James' assistant, Kim.

He called to inform Li Youran that the professor had something to do with her and asked her to go to the professor's gallery to meet the professor.

After hanging up the phone, Li Youran stepped out, and the image of Kim appeared in her mind.

Speaking of this person, how did he become James' assistant? This is a question everyone is curious about.

How should I put it... In short, these two people are not in the same style at all.

James is gentle and elegant, no matter when and where, he is like a young man who attracts attention. But this Kim, both in appearance and in clothes, can no longer be ordinary.

Li Youran felt that she was very polite to describe him in two words. Because other classmates used "beggar" to describe him.

Yes, yes, beggar.

Kim's clothes are always dirty, and his hair is always messy. It's as greasy as if he hasn't washed it for half a month. Moreover, he always wears a pair of big black-rimmed glasses. It is no exaggeration to say that Li Youran has been in school for a week and has met Kim three or four times. But not once, I could see the man's face clearly.

What kind of talent is a man like this that can make James a fancy? Li Youran really couldn't figure it out, and the other students did the same.

Nie Hai was waiting outside the school gate, Li Youran drove to James' gallery, and met Shen Linsheng again here.

I haven't seen Shen Linsheng for several days. When I meet again, Li Youran feels a little embarrassed.

Nodded at him, Li Youran walked over and asked in a low voice: "Why are you here?"

"Come here to discuss business, how about you?"

Shen Linsheng did not change his face, and as before, Li Youran quickly calmed down.

"I don't know what happened to the one named by the professor."


"Yeah, do you know him too?"

"I have some business dealings. I just met him. It turns out that you are the one he said to wait."

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