Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1977: He will not plot against you, will he?

She is not short of money, Jiang Sheng has never treated her badly in terms of money. And after Chu Yixuan went back this time, he also started to give her money at every turn, making Li Youran particularly dazed, not knowing what to do.

But Li Youran has never tried to make money by herself. If she did it before, she would have agreed without thinking about it, but now...

She hesitated and looked down at her belly.

Although the dangerous period of the first three months has passed, Li Youran doesn't know if he is so busy, whether it will affect the child.

Even if she doesn't come here to work, the schoolwork will be enough for her. If by any chance she gets tired, she will not forgive herself if something goes wrong with the child.

"Well, can you let me go back and think about it?" Looking at James apologetically, Li Youran said with a smile, "Because of my health, I might have to ask my doctor."

"Are you sick?" James asked concerned, "Well, you can come and reply to me after getting the doctor's permission."

"Thank you Professor."

Li Youran really thanked him, turned and left the gallery. She was laughing all the time while sitting in the car. Nie Hai was laughing inexplicably, and she didn't know what good happened.

"Nie Hai, do you know what our professor just said?"

Nie Hai didn't rush to ask her, because he knew the virtues of his own lady, and if there were good things, he would definitely not help sharing it with people around him. Now Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi are not by her side, and the boss has gone back. She must be her best confidant.

Sure enough, Li Youran couldn't help it soon.

Nie Hai shook his head very cooperatively and glanced at her sideways. "When we came here before, didn't you say that the owner of this gallery is a professor at your school? What can he do with you? He wanted you to be the monitor?"

School was like this when I was young, and good students wanted to be class monitors.

"What class leader! Nonsense!" Li Youran glared at him and then smiled. "He said he admired my work very much, and hoped that I would be his assistant, come to his gallery to help him, and pay me once a week! Do you think this is a good thing?"

Li Youran finished happily, but Nie Hai's silence was all he could get.

Nie Hai looked at her with a complicated expression, a little afraid to speak.

"What do you mean? Just tell me, don't hold back!" Li Youran frowned upon seeing this.

"Miss, I'll be honest." Nie Hai coughed lightly and sorted out the language. "You are less credible to teach this than to let you be the monitor..."

Nie Hai knew what he said was owed, but in fact it was like that.

Li Youran is a monk in the middle of the world, or the last monk. Everyone else has "boy skills." She is the only one who has been learning painting from the beginning to now, let alone one year, maybe even less than half a year.

Yes, she is talented, many people say so. But the professor really knows talents with such insight? Only after giving her two lessons did she discover that she was a pearl buried in the sand?

"Miss." Nie Hai told her what he was thinking, and then asked anxiously: "This professor doesn't think anything wrong about you, right?"

Nie Haisi thought about it, but still felt that this might be the most reliable.

Li Youran is beautiful, at least in Nie Hai's eyes, the other women in the school can't match her!

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