Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1989: Big trouble big problem

Walking to the bed, Chu Yichen leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, then strode away. Gu Xiaoxiao watched him leave, vaguely feeling bad.

She seemed to have heard Chu Yichen mention An Chenglang's English name on the phone. She heard it right? Or is it another person?

Chu Yichen spoke Italian, Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't understand the meaning, but the language could still be heard.


When thinking of this city, Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't help thinking of Rome. Because leisurely is there.

Just as an idea came out of his mind, Gu Xiaoxiao pressed it back. Unwilling to think badly, she looked down at the child in her arms, trying to divert her attention.

When Chu Yichen found An Chenglang, he was still talking to David. After asking a few questions, I continued to search on the computer. At this time, it had been an hour since Chu Yixuan contacted him. And Li Youran has also been missing for two hours.

For two hours, no clues were found. This is the case with An Chenglang, and even more so with the Roman police.

Professor James was found in a bar. He was fascinated by drugs and had been asleep there for a long time. There were enough personal evidence to show that he was not likely to commit the crime at the time of the crime. But as to whether he is an accomplice, it remains to be investigated.

According to David's description, An Chenglang planned out the most possible distance range, and tried to find suspicious scenes in the streets and alleys. Seeing that Chu Yichen was here, he immediately said as if he had seen a savior: "He came just right, hurry up and help."

All three computers on the desk were operating. Chu Yichen walked over and saw the traffic monitoring in Rome, his eyes sank.

"Something happened to Li Youran?"

"Yeah." An Chenglang briefly explained the situation to him, and then pushed him a computer. "I have delineated the most likely range of secret passage exits, right here."

Chu Yichen took off his coat and sat down. The office was extremely quiet, and the atmosphere was particularly dignified and tense.

"Husband, I have a problem here!"

On the sofa, Chu Xiaoxi was also holding the computer to help, and ran over to show An Chenglang.

"Look, it's here. The video is cut off from here, and there is no recording later."

An Chenglang got up to check the time, then went to check other streets during this time period, sighed heavily, and slumped in a chair.

What is a big problem? That's it.

Starting at 4:30 pm Rome time, the monitoring routes of several important passages were all paralyzed. There is no doubt that the criminal escaped from this area. But how did they do it? Which is so simple to cut off the surveillance of several roads at the same time?

As a result, An Chenglang became more suspicious of the reason and purpose of the kidnapping case. If he guessed correctly, the other party should have a hacker like him.

"What should I do now..." Chu Xiaoxi looked at the two people who didn't say a word, panicking. If even the two of them couldn't help it, wouldn't it be completely lost?

Chu Yichen stared at the computer screen for a few seconds, then dialed David's phone again. Person D is in Rome and wants to know the latest situation there. It must be right to find him.

"My buddy, what are you missing?"

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