An Chenglang talked to Chu Yichen urgently about his latest discovery. "This is a lunatic, he actually broadcasted live on the Internet, and I can see the leisurely situation now!"

Live? how can that be?

"Really, it was only on a personal website that was only established for a week. It should have been specially prepared by this lunatic. When I first discovered it, only three people watched it. Now the number has increased to dozens. I cut off his For the live broadcast, it will take at least ten minutes to recover. I have confirmed the address and will send it to you."

An Chenglang intends to delay the other party's time. Since the other party intends to conduct a live broadcast, if the line fails, he will not do anything to Li Youran.

Chu Yichen received An Chenglang's message and it was exactly where they were.

"People are still safe."

Soothing Chu Yixuan in a low voice, the two carefully sneaked into the building, carefully searching for the location of Li Youran.

In a blink of an eye, Li Youran has been **** for several days. Her hands and feet have always been tied up. In the past few days, she turned upside down day and night without seeing the sun. I said all the good things I could think of in my life, but the other party still ignored her.

The kidnapper didn't touch her or hurt her. He even gave her food on time, which made Li Youran particularly nervous.

She had tried very hard to calm herself down, but no matter how calm she was, she still couldn't match the endless torture. What's more, there is a little guy in her belly. What Li Youran was most afraid of was not getting hurt, but what he had missed.

At first she refused to eat anything, because she was worried about poison in the food. But the other party forcibly began to feed her, as if she was afraid that she would be hungry, making Li Youran especially confused.

She knew that Kim was kidnapped with herself that day, and she was also worried about Kim. But when death is approaching, what she cares most about is her own life, life and safety.

Lonely in a room, Li Youran immediately became energetic when she heard footsteps coming from outside the door.

Her body was straight, the door was opened, and she looked in the direction of the door based on her feelings, what the unknown person wanted to do.

This person stood at the door for a long time before pacing towards Li Youran. When Li Youran was fully guarded, she tore off the tape from her mouth.

"Please, let me go."

Taking a big breath, Li Youran began to beg again and again. This time, the other party actually spoke up.

"You will be fine soon."

Li Youran's body froze, because... this voice sounded a bit familiar. She quickly searched for the owner of the voice in her mind, and finally locked onto someone.

is it him? Impossible... how could this be?

The other party didn't speak again, but reached out and touched Li Youran's face. When he met himself, Li Youran subconsciously hid away. At this time, the guessing and doubts in my heart are more accurate.

"Kim, is that you?" Li Youran asked in a trembling voice, "I can tell, it's your voice..."

At this moment, Li Youran really wanted to cry.

What's all this!

Is it really Kim? Why did he kidnap himself? !

"You can hear my voice...I am very happy."

Kim was silent for a long time, then replied Li Youran. And it was these words that made Li Youran feel that the world was spinning, nauseous, and extremely sad.

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