Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1999: Who else can I trust

"This matter is not your decision."

Seeing Li Youran's nervousness and Chu Yixuan's look, Kim quickly flashed a touch of unhappiness and murderousness in his eyes.

He reached out and grabbed Li Youran's chin and forced her to look directly at him.

"He will die here today. He should have died long ago. He deserves it!"

Kim is very angry, he is not pretending to be angry.

Li Youran heard some clues from his words, Chu Yixuan offended him? Did he tie himself up for this and lure Chu Yixuan into the bait?

"Kim, calm down." Li Youran was confused, "Is there any misunderstanding? What did he do to you?"

Chu Yixuan is often in China, and Kim is in Italy. How much can the two of them overlap? So the only thing Li Youran can think of is that Chu Yixuan met him when he came out to do errands.

"He killed my brother." Kim answered Li Youran's question slowly, as the strength in his hand increased. "This is not a misunderstanding, it can never be a misunderstanding."

"You hurt me!"

Li Youran exclaimed displeasedly, causing Kim to release his hand instantly. Without the hostility on his face, he bent down nervously to check if he hurt Li Youran. The performance gap between before and after is too large, and Li Youran can't help but wonder if he has a double personality...

Confirming that Li Youran is okay, Kim breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, you are waiting here, I will be back with you soon."

He smiled at Li Youran, and wanted to stick the tape back to Li Youran's mouth. Li Youran struggled to avoid it, and when Kim wanted to use tough methods, there was another footstep outside the door.

These footsteps not only made Li Youran tense, but also made Kim's expression a little stiff.

He slowly turned around to look at the door, and when he heard the footsteps stop at the door, he straightened up immediately.

The door was opened again, and the people who walked in this time surprised Li Youran even more.

"How could it be you?!"

Li Youran never expected to see this person here!

Meeting his gaze, Li Youran took a breath, but she soon figured it out.

Yes, how could it not be him? All these things are related to him!

"My lovely student, we meet again."

James smiled and walked in front of Li Youran, with black gloves on his hands, trying to touch Li Youran's profile.

"Don't touch me!" Li Youran was furious and wanted to cry, but at the same time she was helpless and desperate.

How could this could this be!

What kind of people are there around her? Who else can she trust in the future?

"What a disobedient little rabbit." James stroked her head with a weird smile. "What a distressed little rabbit."

"How on earth are you willing to let me go?" Li Youran gritted her teeth and asked, looking at him with scarlet eyes. "You want Chu Yixuan to die, don't you?"

"As expected to be my student, he is really smart!"

James snapped his fingers and nodded slowly. Then, he looked at Kim who was aside, and coldly ordered: "Get out. People have arrived, and the show is about to begin."

Kim listened to James very much, think about it, it was the same before. As James' assistant, he was almost on call.

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