Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2003: Sorry, can't help but want to kill him

"Your name is Kim, right? I heard your classmates say that you seem to like men? I don't discriminate against homosexuals, but I think it's normal for you to be **** and not understand what you just said. Right?"

"Fart! You only like men!"

Kim is very emotional, he is not misunderstood like this once or twice. Because of his taciturn, he did not dare to talk to girls. He has been looked down upon and laughed at since he was a child, and he was branded as gay. This is the pain in his heart, but now it is torn apart by Chu Yichen alive.

The gun in his hand was aimed at Chu Yichen's direction. Kim took two steps forward and forced himself to stop.

"Okay, I like men, so calm down." Chu Yichen nodded obediently, following what he said. "We have something to say."

Kim is always emotionally unstable. Others don't know it. James knows this. So he didn't worry about letting Kim face Chu Yixuan alone, and soon sent other people.

The two of Chu Yixuan heard the approaching footsteps at the tip of their ears, and they stood there nervously, planning how they would go next.

"You Ran mentioned you to me, and she said you are a good person." Chu Yixuan took Chu Yichen's words, disturbing Kim's thoughts. When Kim looked at him, the gun in his hand had already been pulled.

Fast and cruel, the bullet hit Kim's wrist in an instant.

"I X."

Chu Yichen's vulgarity was rare, and he escaped dangerously, but was hit by a stray bullet in the shoulder.

"Didn't you say that you don't want to do it first!" After rolling around on the ground, Chu Yichen asked with a grimace in the direction of Chu Yixuan.

"Ah, sorry, I can't help but want to kill him."

Chu Yixuan's answer made Chu Yichen angrily smile, and he could tell at the critical moment that the life of this own wife is really more important than his younger brother!

They all wore bulletproof vests before they set off, and Chu Yixuan knew that Chu Yichen had already prepared, otherwise he wouldn't dare to play so big.

Chu Yichen frowned and glanced at the injured part, took a deep breath, while hiding himself, while looking for the location of the sniper just now.

The people sent behind James got confused because of Chu Yixuan's sudden shot just now. Chu Lin's people had already rushed in, and there were a large number of them.

Jiang Shengyou personally issued an order that even if it is a battle of numbers today, he will level this place. That's what he told Chu Lin, so Chu Lin doesn't have to be polite.

The orphanage was surrounded by several floors of people inside and outside. Helicopters hovered in the air, and all police forces in Rome were waiting on the street. They were very satisfied with their decision to stay behind instead of charging for this action.

Wearing night vision goggles, they found the location of Chu Yixuan and the other two by the direction of the gunfire, and James's people were all dispatched now.

Roughly estimated in the dark, thirty or so, no more and no less. But James never showed up.

He had already followed the escape tunnel prepared in advance and planned to escape. There is only one thing he wants to do, and that is to let Chu Yixuan die. It doesn't matter how many people burial him, but he himself is not on the list of burials.

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