"Chu Yixuan!!"

Calling his name loudly, repeating it over and over again, until the end of the call, Li Youran had no strength.

After sniffing, she thought back on her life experience, and she didn't know if she was considered to be in vain.

She is married, her husband is very good, and she is still the prime minister's daughter. However, she wants more than just these!

The taste of watching death approaching is really tormenting. His head has long been numb, and now, the only thing Li Youran feels sorry for is the child in his stomach.

If I knew this before, it was better to knock him out and let him reincarnate earlier than to suffer such a crime with myself.

The gunshots above were completely inaudible. Li Youran closed her eyes. If she had hoped that someone could come to rescue herself before, then now she hoped that Chu Yixuan would not find herself.

It's good for her to die alone, she doesn't want him to get hurt again...


The voice of the iron gate came from outside, causing Li Youran to suddenly open his eyes.

She couldn't be more familiar with this voice, she would hear it every day...

The rapid sound of footsteps caused Li Youran to stop breathing involuntarily. The guards in the corridor didn't know when they had escaped. But her room is lit, so it's easy for someone to find her.

The closed door was suddenly pushed open. Li Youran looked at the person who appeared at the door, his eyes crackling and falling.

"You go, you go quickly!" She shouted in a trembling voice, "I have a bomb on my body, Chu Yixuan, don't come over!"

"do not move."

Chu Yixuan came to her in front of her panting. He couldn't know what was on her.

"Hey, don't move." Concentrating, Chu Yixuan knelt down to untie the things tied to her body. After looking at what bomb James had prepared for them, Chu Yixuan's heart was cold.

The power is not small, even if you can escape to save your life, lack of arms and legs is unavoidable.

"Chu Yixuan, it's too late, can you go quickly?"

Li Youran looked at the countdown, there was only one and a half minutes left, she said desperately and panicked: "You leave me alone, I won't blame you, I beg you to go quickly!"

"If you want to die, you will die together." Chu Yixuan didn't look up, and didn't want to abandon her thoughts at all. "For those who have finally found it, I won't let go this time."

"I don't want you to die with me." Li Youran cried out wowly, fear is true, but when he heard this, happiness was also true.

Taking down the bomb hurriedly, Chu Yixuan picked up Li Youran, turned and ran out.

Ten seconds, how far you can go.

Everything that happened in the secret room was seen in the eyes of An Chenglang who was far away in China. He was sitting at the computer desk, his hands still tapping the keyboard. Finally in the last few seconds, I hit the Enter key.

The countdown on the bomb stopped at the number 4 and didn't move anymore.

An Chenglang stared stiffly at the computer screen. After a few seconds, he didn't hear the sound of the explosion. He leaned back in his chair dejectedly, feeling that his whole body was collapsed.

Chu Xiaoxi squatted on the ground hugging herself, shaking all over. Seeing him like this, he whispered.

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