Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2012: The truth will eventually surface (1)

"Grandpa, we are not stars, why do we take so many people out?" Chu Xiaoxi refused with a sad face.

"Stars? How much are their lives worth?!" Chu Yunfei glared at her, raised his hand and nodded her, and said, "You are the least obedient! Starting tomorrow, you will move back to me!"

After being trained by Chu Yunfei, neither Chu Xiaoxi nor Gu Xiaoxiao dared to say anything lightly, just waiting for Li Youran to come and liberate them tomorrow.

Jiang Sheng returned home at more than three in the afternoon. Li Youran was resting in the room. He woke up immediately after hearing the door opening, looked at the door vigilantly, and saw Jiang Sheng standing there.

After hesitating, she got out of bed, walked a few steps in front of Jiang Sheng, hung her head and called "Dad". Jiang Sheng said, looked at her up and down several times, then turned to leave.

"Let's go to sleep and talk again at night."

"I'm not sleepy anymore!"

Reflexively, Li Youran grabbed Jiang Sheng's sleeves, and there were already some words in her heart that could not hold back.

Following Jiang Sheng to the study and sitting on both sides of the desk, Li Youran looked at Jiang Sheng and felt that he hadn't seen him for a few months. He was much older than when he left.

This time she had an accident, Jiang Sheng gave some instructions. After Li Youran came back, she had heard it intermittently from Chu Yixuan, Nie Hai and other people. If it were not for personal experience, she might never believe that Jiang Sheng would do these things for herself. It must be a lie if it is not moved.

"I'm sorry, I worried you this time." Li Youran spoke in a low voice while clutching the corners of his clothes, not daring to look at Jiang Sheng. "I'm really sorry for causing you a big trouble. I will pay attention to it in the future, and it will never happen again, I promise."

"Guaranteed? How do you guarantee?"

Jiang Sheng turned on the computer, leaned back in the chair, looked at her with a smile and asked. Seeing Li Youran's stiff body, after taking a sneaky glance at him, he chuckled and sighed.

"Just pay more attention. Nie Hai and the others also have negligence in this matter, and you are not entirely to blame."

Li Youran's eyes widened in surprise. She thought that Jiang Sheng would scold her with a slap in the face when she came back. To be more serious, she would slap her a few times and shut her down for two months. But unexpectedly, he had such an attitude.

Perhaps it is a bit wrong to describe this, but Li Youran’s current feeling is really from the picked up to his own, from the shameless little San, to the right room where he can see people upright...

Thinking about the "struggle" between himself and Jiang Sheng over the years, Li Youran's nose is a bit sore.

"Dad, can I ask you a question?" After holding back his emotions, Li Youran looked at him after a moment of silence.

"You've already started this, even if you don't ask you to ask, can you bear it?" Jiang Sheng understood her, nodded and listened.

"Why did you send your mother to that place? Haven't you thought of her for so many years?"

Li Youran asked a very sharp question, which she wanted to ask for many years but had no courage to ask.

On that isolated island, Li Youran had imagined how her father was like countless times. Before meeting Jiang Sheng, her impression of Jiang Sheng was limited to that woman crying helplessly.

"She missed you very much. I saw her crying many times. Why don't you... pick us back earlier."

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