Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2033: The most beautiful love words, I love you (3)

"Aren't you trying to teach me to shoot a gun?" Li Youran asked in surprise looking at the equipment in the courtyard.

"Yeah." Chu Yixuan replied happily, walking behind Li Youran, teaching her various movements hand in hand.

He didn't explain much, but Li Youran already understood what he meant.

He was worried that he would encounter danger in the future, so let her learn to protect herself.

A warm current slowly passed through her heart, Li Youran turned her head to look at him, and asked caringly, "What should I do?"

"A famous teacher has a good apprentice, how could it be impossible to learn." Chu Yixuan is still very confident of his own level, "Don't move, look here, aim for the bullseye."

The gun was equipped with a silencer, so when it was shot out, there was no noise as Li Youran expected. But the moment the bullet flew out, the refreshing mood remained the same.

Li Youran was extremely excited when he touched this thing for the first time. After playing in the yard until dark, he reluctantly returned to the house.

There is no servant, everything depends on yourself. Thanks to this gift, Li Youran finally saw Chu Yixuan busy in the kitchen.

He can cook, and he has to admit that Bi Li Youran is still delicious, which makes Li Youran a bit dull.

To fill their stomachs, the two sat on the sofa and watched TV. Unfortunately, it was Su Zuonan's concert that was played.

"I know this combination. Xiao Xiao also worked as an interpreter for them before." Li Youran volunteered to explain to Chu Yixuan. As a result, she naturally received Chu Yixuan's contemptuous look.

"Handsome guy... seductive, there is nothing wrong with it if I like it." Li Youran tried to explain to him when Chu Yixuan was found to be wrong.

"You mean you can like this Su Zuonan, or I can find a little star to find freshness?"

"I didn't say that! You are arrogant!"

"Beauty, seductive, I like it and there is nothing wrong with it, what do you think?" To paraphrase Li Youran's words just now, Chu Yixuan asked her speechlessly. "In the future, you dare to say in front of me that you like other men, at your own risk."

"Are you jealous?" Li Youran finally got the point. "It seems that you really like me now, you are so careful."

"It's good to know." Chu Yixuan didn't refute, and took a strawberry into her mouth, trying to shut her up.

"Chu Yixuan likes me!!"

Swallowing what was in his mouth, Li Youran suddenly shouted, his joy is beyond words.

"He said he likes me so much!!"

Looking at the little woman like a madman in his arms, Chu Yixuan was startled for a moment, and then slowly smiled. Let her play foolishly, picking on the radio indifferently until she quieted down.

"When you return to Guangzhou, can I go there to see you?" Taking advantage of Chu Yixuan's good mood, Li Youran took the initiative to attack.

"Go back this time and take you away directly." Chu Yixuan's words made Li Youran sit up immediately.

"Really? Don't lie to me? Can I go to Guangzhou and live with you?"

"Well, you can."

Such a talkative Chu Yixuan is really unusual. Li Youran touched the temperature of her forehead, and tried him again. Neither of them had a fever. You can believe that.

"As long as I have time in the future, I will take you wherever I go."

Chongni's eyes, Chongni tone, and Chongni movements. Li Youran couldn't help but be in a daze.

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