Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2035: The most beautiful love words, I love you (5)

Li Youran and Chu Yixuan left City B to go to the two-person world, and the lives of the others returned to peace again.

After Ryugasaki Takumi called Gu Xiaoxiao that day, Gu Xiaoxiao began to pay attention to various news about Ryugasaki Co., Ltd. Unsurprisingly, news followed in the next few days.

Chu Yichen and Ling Tianshu joined forces and really secretly hollowed out their company.

Ling Tianshu and the three are also generous. According to their confession, they have been watching Longqi's company for at least a year and a half. In other words, when Gu Xiaoxiao was still in Japan, Chu Yichen had already started to work with them whether or not to swallow this piece of fat.

They transferred all the shares of Longqi Co., Ltd. they held to Chu Yichen. In this way, Chu Yichen undoubtedly became the largest shareholder of that company.

The news has been spreading for several days, and at the moment when Fengyang Group issued the announcement, it finally became a real hammer.

The domestic business and political circles have not been peaceful since the beginning of the year. Those who don’t know watch the excitement, those who know watch the doorway. Gu Xiaoxiao knew that a large part of these people were involved because of the Long Qi family.

Chopping the weeds requires removing the roots, and since it is really going to end, it must be clean.

Chu Yichen has been very busy recently, and has to go home until 11 o'clock in the evening every day. This kind of life lasted for almost half a month, and finally one day, he returned home on time at six o'clock, which surprised Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Why did you come back so early today?" Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him quietly and asked when the child was sleeping.

"I came back because I missed you." Chu Yichen walked over to take the person away, and came to the balcony to breathe in the fresh air, holding his wife in his arms, in a very good mood.

"Don't come to this set, do you think I'm still as easy to lie as before?" Gu Xiaoxiao gave him a slanted look, completely disbelief of his words. "The matter with Ryugasaki Takumi is over, right?"

"Well, it's over." The news was everywhere, and Chu Yichen had no intention of hiding Gu Xiaoxiao. "So I came back early today to accompany my wife and brought gifts."

"What gift? Why didn't I see it."

"I have transferred all of the company's shares to your name."

"Are you crazy?!" Gu Xiaoxiao took a breath and turned to look at him. "I don't want it, you call the lawyer soon!"

Gu Xiaoxiao is anxious, sometimes she thinks that Chu Yichen is a lunatic, very courageous. If this kind of thing spreads out, the company will surely become a mess again!

"The matter is over. Starting from tomorrow, even if I am working for you, I hope that my wife will be merciful and will give me more year-end awards at the end of the year."

"No, how do you explain to the board of directors? You don't know me. I am almost behind you. The company is transferred to me. Do you want to see if it goes bankrupt?" Gu Xiaoxiao was impatient, but Also understand what Chu Yichen meant.

Whether a man really loves you is actually very easy to tell.

A man who is willing to spend money for you may not love you much. But a man who is not willing to spend money on you must not love you much.

In the final analysis, men’s love has only two kinds of giving, spending money and spending time. Both are true love, and Chu Yichen is like that to Gu Xiaoxiao.

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