Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2037: The most beautiful love words, I love you (7)

Thinking of Su Zhiying, I really really want to. Gu Xiaoxiao has seen her in her dream more than once, and more than once will think of the pleasant time they spent together in Japan.

The next morning, after putting the child to sleep, Gu Xiaoxiao came to Su Zhiying's cemetery. And here, she saw someone who made her afraid to meet.

Chu Lin...

Looking at the person standing in front of the tombstone, Gu Xiaoxiao's heart suddenly lifted into the air.

Why is she here?

After walking slowly, Chu Lin turned to look over when he heard the footsteps. After seeing who it was, she smiled slightly.

"Aunt..." Gu Xiaoxiao said with a guilty conscience, carefully watching the changes in Chu Lin's expression. "Why are you here?"

Doesn't she think of everything already? No, never!

"Yeah, why did I come here." Chu Lin sighed, also feeling strange. She smiled thoughtfully, looking at the young face on the tombstone, feeling a little sad.

"Suddenly I thought of your friend, so I came to have a look. I don't know why, I always care a little about her death."

I didn't think of the previous things, but subconsciously, I still couldn't accept Su Zhiying's death.

Gu Xiaoxiao's nose was sour, she held back her emotions and gave a forced smile.

"Perhaps...perhaps because she was too young, and my friend died because she saved me. Auntie looked at her, would she think of who she used to be? When you left for Japan, you should be no better. How old is she?"

"Yeah, so many years have passed in a flash of effort."

Chu Lin thought of those difficult days, still feeling very heavy.

After being outside for so long, friends around me have died and injured. Today, there are not many people who return home safely.

"It’s not good to be a soldier. When you wear this uniform, you don’t know when you will die or where you will die. So, to have your family who support and understand us, I’m really Happy."

Looking at Gu Xiaoxiao with a smile, Chu Lin stroked her hair.

"I can't imagine what our country would be like without you people. Zhiying once told me that she said that this country is not as good as we thought, but it is definitely not as bad as we thought. . I know that because of you, we can live a peaceful life. Zhiying’s death was accidental for us, but in some respects, it was taken for granted. The dead are gone, but the living are. Carry everything on your back. Don’t be sad, aunt, if Zhiying knew that you came to see her specially, she would be very happy."

"What a coaxing little girl."

Standing side by side in front of the tombstone, Gu Xiaoxiao passed the bouquet in her hand, and after quietly looking at Su Zhiying's photo for a while, she left with Chu Lin.

Sitting in the car going home, her thoughts flew back to the day when she broke up with Mu Yunfan a long time ago.

Life is really amazing. You never know who you will meet in the next second and what will happen. But the only thing you should be determined is that there will be someone who truly loves you in this world, and sooner or later, he will find you no matter where you are.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Xiaoxiao dialed Chu Yichen's phone. After a few seconds, the phone was connected, her mouth pursed faintly, but she said to him with a happy smile, "I miss you."

[Every story will have an ending, but this ending wants everyone to be satisfied, but it is not that simple. I thought it would be over yesterday, but when I was writing, I felt that there was still a lot to be written, and it is the same now.

I know that there is no permanent banquet in the world, so let's stop here.

Xiaoxiao and Yichen have experienced too much, they will always be happy. Thank you everyone for supporting and loving their stories all the way, and hope that each of you can meet your destined partner.

A new story will begin tomorrow, and the characters in the new book will also make guest appearances in advance. I hope everyone will like it. Want to see Xu Ming being slapped by a woman? Tomorrow~ See you or leave. 】

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